
Will she calm down..ever?!!?

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We have a rescue dog, and have had her two months. She is great in every way, and is walked at least twice a day(some days she is following us about the farm non stop)

The thing is when we leave the house and return, she goes nuts! and also first thing in the morning when we come down.

She knocks over the smallest kids and even the 16 year old one morning.She is a mass of paws, tongue and wagging tail!

How can we help her to chill a little?

I know she came from a neglected home previously, how can we help convince her that we will not leave her too?




  1. Firstly, the dog is trying to dominate the household. If you continuously give it affection and no training, you'll be in trouble (i no this from personal experience), to make her stop jumping, when she starts to jump, say 'no' very firmly ( don't shout), turn around and fold your arms, do not make eye contact, she should get the message and stop. Secondly, she is an animal, they don't think like humans do, so don't worry about convincing her that you won't leave her, she won't understand. Good luck!

  2. ey, live and let live sista

    feed her steak,that outta do it

  3. she will calm down, best thing to do is ignore her when she is over excited, and a bit of firm training should do the trick.

  4. sounds like your dog has separation problems go in and out letting your dog know your not going to leave him this happens with most rescue pets because the last owners left your dog or something like that and he has become fad of you and don't want you to go too so he always wants to keep a eye on you just build up the time it takes about 6 weeks if you only get up to 2 MINS on the first day so be it just keep building up the time till you can leave him don't give up on him we are the voice of who can't speck for them self  

  5. I have to german shepards and one is a puppy about 3 months old. the other is one year old. i NEVER used a water bottle for correcting my dogs. not only are the water bottles bulky but u are not going to carry a water bottle evreywhere with u in the future........Heres what i suggest..... evreytime u catch them doing what there not supposed to...correct them and say in a demanding voice but not yelling a proper command.:)

  6. I have a rescued dog too, and when we use to get home, he would run around every where, in our yard in the house. We have had him now for 2 or so years and he has calmed down, it's just a matter of time.

  7. arm yourself with water bottles when the animal miss behave shoot  she will calm down eventually.

  8. Every Creature Has Feelings and An Understanding Of What Goes On Around Them. In This Case The Dog Like You Said Has Abandonment Issues and A Classic Case Of Wanting Attention. From What I know About Animals, Is That The Dog Is Still Trying To Find His Place In The Family and Feels Threatened By Your Children. Try Spending Time With Her As A Family, This Way A Sense Of Place and Peace Will Come To Her. But You Also Have To Be Firm, But Not Cruel, Let Her Know She Did Wrong and Punish Her. For Example I Have A Cat That We Took From The Street As A Kitten, when He Got Older He Started Climbing On the Kitchen Counter To Get To The Food, So What We (My Mom) Did Was When He Was On The Counter We Caught Him and Patted Him (Not As Petting More Like Gentle Slap) On His Paws. This Was Repeated a Few Times and Has Stopped.

    I Hope This Helps.

  9. go in and out of the house more then usual then she will get that your always going to come back. try not to leave her for long periods of time though

  10. Dogs love to be disaplined be firm with her and praise her when she does what she is told.  You will need to make her sit and not jump and if she gets up say no sit make her sit when she does what she is told praise her. Thank you for being a dog rescuer.  Good luck.  

  11. im puppys the same, glad shes a small dog really lol

    you can teach her to stop jumping up at people, but you cant make her calm down though

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