
Will she ever warm up to me and act like a friendly dog?Or is there no hope?

by  |  earlier

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I just adopted a small two year old female dog who just sits in a corner and doen't listen when you call

she is eating regular dog food

she lets me pet her and take her a bath and dry her

she looks like she doesn't want to be here.

She is sleeping on my bed

when i leave say to go to the bathroom she

doesn't care or follow.

she has no interest or curiousity when i open the door

right beside her.she just lays around.

***I got her just today around 5:00 pm.

I had to carry up to my apartment

seemed really scared well not scared

just had a face that said

she didn't want to be here.





  1. It's going to take more than a day. It may even take a few weeks, but she will eventually get used to you...just don't give up and keep working with her and she will come around eventually. She's in a new environment and she has to get used to that and you have to gain her trust, once she sees that you are caring for her and meeting her needs for a while she will warm up to you. Don't give up!

  2. I concur, she sounds like she's either been traumatized in the past or is suffering physically from something. Perhaps she has bad hearing? If she was around an abusive, loud music playing or gun shooting owner then she might be cautious combined with some hearing loss. Not to say that's the case but give her time to get used to you before you get upset about it. Patience leads to great things regardless of what the modern world makes you believe.

  3. just give her some time. Maybe her previous owners traumatized her :(

    give her a chance and dont take her back to the shelter

  4. Well of course she will. [:

    No worries man. I have like a billion dogs. Just put urself in her postiion. You just went to some strange place uve nvr been to. Ur with a stranger......U can't just expect her to love you right away. Especialy since shes not a puppy. So just give it time and it will be all good [:

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