
Will she sue for my retierment benifits military and when i get it at 62?

by  |  earlier

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i will be getting my retierment at 62 and i will be getting military benifits is my wife entiiled to get that money too being iam going for a separation from her and i will be moving out of the house,




  1. She will only be entitled to your retirement benefits if she was with you for half or more of your military career.

  2. she will get your "retierment benifits" if you've been married for ten years or more! she is "entiiled" !

  3. Why should she be entitled to your military benefits? She didn't serve, you did. If she tries to take that from you, she is a lazy and terrible human being.

    Hope you had a pre-nup.

    Wait, unless you're in your 40's and getting divorced, and then wonder if she'll take your military benefits when you turn 62. In that case, no. She's not entitled to money you get after your divorce.

  4. That money will be considered income when calculating alimony, if she's entitled to any. You don't state how long you have been married. 1 year? 10 years? 40 years?

  5. if you have been married for 10 years or more while in the military----

    she can get up to half of your retirement

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