
Will singapore really sink? and when will it sink?

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I heard that according to the speed the north and south pole is melting,the water will submerge the whole singapore.

And if it really happens can anyone reconmend a place for me and my family can "escape" to?




  1. hehe wont happen soon dont worry about it. (just dont cause too much pollution).

    Apparently the desert in the middle of Australia will fill up with water too.

    Should be interesting.

  2. Yes due to Global warming

    May be in next 20-30 years

  3. Well before it sinks you will be alerted.Don't worry.

  4. according to global warming, we are all going to sink

    try hiding yourself on top of the mountains, or start building underwater civilization, might come in handy

  5. Well global warming is a serious threat, millions people will be forced to evacuate if it continues (Which it most probably will) as the water rises. If the antactic penisulas and greenland melt there will be a significant rise in world sea level. Which means many coastal cities and countries may 'drown'/'sink'. Im not actually positive how close to sea level singapore is, but since it's an island nation i expect that coastal reagions will definately go under if it does happpen. But thern again so will American and Chinese and such coastal areas, leaving millions homeless!

    Hmm a good place to escape, well Australia is nice! XD! Just go somewhere higher...anywhere really. If you don't want too much of a 'shock' then somewhere with similar latitude and such so the climate is similar. Australian climate is not too different, just a bit less wet! X)!


    As people have said it's not coming soon though! I wouldn't worry too much about your safety and such, you may not even be alive when i happens, hard to know when/if it will. Just consentrate on raising awareness to global warming and stoping it yourself!

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