
Will smoking mustard seed kill you?

by  |  earlier

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I found some mustard seed on the ground and i didnt know what it was. I wrapped in in paper and smoked just a little of it. Not only that i didnt even smoke but 3 or 4 puffs from it. Can it kill me, if not will it if i smoke more




  1. If that doesn't, then I'm sure something else will down the line that you find.

  2. A better question is why would you want to do that?  Smoking mustard seed, good luck with that.  That's a real smart thing to do.  You've got lots of grey matter working for you, don't you?!

  3. Probably won't KILL you but it's retarted.

  4. I was an ER nurse. First of all, how do you know that it was mustard seed?   Please do not pick up unknown objects from the ground and smoke them.  It may be contaminated with bacteria and microorganisms you will suck into your lungs.  You should not be smoking ANYTHING at all.  I have seen horrible overdoses and horrible lingering deaths as a result tobacco and drug ingestion.  Keep in mind that the FDA is not making sure these illegal substances are safe. People who are selling drugs are evil and want to make money and sometimes cut the drugs with dangerous things such as talcum powder and powdered cleansers which can cause terrible heart problems.

    Please be careful and get some help if you think you have a drug problem.  Take care, Mrs. Y.

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