
Will somebody report this??????Naked stuff on a guy's 360 profile!!!!!!!!It's disgusting someone report for me

by  |  earlier

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So here's what you do.

Go to 360 search, and look under Keizer oregon, where I live.And there's two choices.Pick the one with no picture, but on there is naked men and women.IT IS DISGUSTING AND I NEED JUSTICE!!!!




  1. I looked at it and i think if you want justice turn him in your self!

  2. Report him yourself. If you keep reporting him,his page will get deleted.

  3. this is not the way to get justice for this problem.. all you are doing is pointing people in this guys direction and his page views will increase..

    go to this page and report the violator to Yahoo.. anyone else who is on a mutal friendship list with you and he .. then you can warn them and ask them to report the violation.. but this public request only feeds the violators need for attention which is why he posted them to start with.. your reaction is what he is craving to happen..

    ignore the guy and and he will eventually only have people on his friend list that are like him.. and yahoo will either delete his pages or make him place them in a mature content rating.. which will protect the children.. we are adults and should be able to just not go there and not worry about it after reporting him..

  4. yes

  5. yeh i remembr this g*y dude or w/e tried to add me. i viewed his profile n his friends n i saw pics of 2 guys f*cking each other....i was like holy sh*t. but, yea that stuff needs to get out.

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