
Will somebody send me the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun?

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Please send the first 12 chapters to please and not the url but the file first person gets the best answer thnx




  1. Stephenie Meyer didn't put the first 12 chapters online yet, only the first and its on her website

  2. sorry  the first 12 chapters aren't out yet and if you were a real fan you would know that

  3. Sadly, the first 12 chapters are not yet known to the world of Twilighters.  Steph put the first one on her site, but she's not done writing yet.  Hopefully, Midnight Sun will be published and released within the next year or two, and if it doesn't end up getting published (I don't see why not though, it would make the company a lot of money) she is planning to put it on her site when she's done.

    EDIT: Whoa, where did the chapters come from?!  I've just been going by what Steph said on her site, so I never thought to check around.


  4. I hope you got them.  And yes they are real.  It looks, sounds, tastes, and feels like Smeyers writing so don't even start with this **** again.  Everyone remembers the Breaking Dawn leak and how much no one wanted to believe the Nessie bit.  And I remember laughing when the book came out and it WAS TRUE.  haha

  5. Yes I have them check your email inbox.

    I swear this is true.

    If you do not get the email for whatever reason you can download them here.

    (To you other answerers: Who's not real twilight fans now?)

  6. ummm they aren't out yet....

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