
Will someone charge me for hit and run if i scratched his car a little?

by Guest32586  |  earlier

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this happened at 8pm so it was kinda dark. after the light turned green, the car in front of me (i forgot what car it was but it wasnt an old car) turned right but he stopped and was kinda in my way, so i went around him and then i heard a bump. i dont know if i had hit his back bumper or if i went over something on the street cuz either sounded possible. that driver didnt do anything and i didnt know what happened so i drove away (10 or 15 mph i think) after i heard that bump. Halfway on that street i slowed down n pulled over near the corner of the street n stopped, there were cars parked in the back of me. When i look back in the mirror, i saw that car turned onto his street. and then my friend got out of the car and saw a little top coat scratched off near the second door handle. she took a pic of it on her cellphone. i stopped there for a few mins and no one came up to me or anything. So i drove off.

I know this is a hit and run, but is it possible that the other driver saw my license plate?

And if let's say i receive a letter or a police call, what should i do?

If i do get charge for hit and run, what will happen? This is my third time in an accident even thought the previous two wasnt my fault.




  1. jerk "police officer"


    ugh...he's probably one of the cops who doens't let you speak bcuz he has a badge on, and is a big *** jerk.

    you ARE WHAT YOU HATE! he;s probably made the small mistake you have, don't worry about it. accidents happen.

  2. If the previous two accidents weren't your fault then they won't be held against you or even considered or brought up.  If you hear from the cops just tell them the truth.  You remember hearing a bump but you thought you had hit something on the street.  When you pulled over and looked at your car and saw a scratch you realized you had actually scrapped the other car.  Tell them you waited where you pulled over for several minutes but the owner of the other car didn't pursue you so you left.  Your friend can be a witness.  

  3. Property damage only and hopefully no injuries makes this not as serious as you would think.  On the other hand, if there is ever contact with two moving vehicles the right thing that should have been done is to stop get out and check to see not only the damage, but also if there are injuries.  At the very least you would have exchanged insurance information.  If you caused a major accident with life threatening results and then you drive away then you would be charged with a hit and run.

  4. You are a bad person. You caused damage to someone else's property and you are not man enough to step up and pay for it?

    I hope the person did get your license and hope they do report you. If they did, I would advise you get a lawyer, because you are looking at hefty fines if convicted.

    Added: Yeah, I'm the jerk because I think he's a d-bag for damaging someone else's car and leaving without trying to make things right. Yes, I've hit two cars in my day. Once I knocked on the person's door and told them what happened, the other time I left a note.

    I wonder if people would think he just made a "simple" mistake if it was them having to pay $200 to get the dent pounded out and the spot re-painted.

  5. Yes it could very well happen. It was on the street and not on private property.

  6. don't call the police. They would have called you by now.

    People always lie and it's not worth it for you to fess up.

    They will lie and say that you hurt their neck and wrecked their car and they will try to get money out of you.

    Don't let them s***w you over like that.

    Stay quiet and no one will even know.

  7. It's always possible that the other driver saw your plate.  And a hit and run is when you leave the scene of an doesn't really matter how much damage you did or did not do.  More than likely, however, if the other car parked on your street and no one approached you and no police have shown up you are probably okay.  I know in my city hit and runs are considered very serious, regardless of damage, and often are followed up by police in person...not by mail.  Good luck!

  8. The best advice I can give is Report the accident to your insurance and try and contact the person before the Police Department files charges against you for Hit and Run.

    It sounds like it was just accidental. You should have Stopped and took his information. I'm sure the other driver will report the incident to the police. Don't panic and see if you can resolve this situation through your insurance.

    If you get charged with hit and run you are looking at paying a fine and possible jail time depending on your driving record and from what you mentioned about your history that might be trouble for you.  

  9. I wouldn't bother or even worry about it.  If the cops haven't shown up by now, you're in the clear.  I doubt they got your license plate number.  Ethically, I would say to notify the police, saying you don't know if you hit someone or something in the street....  But, If the person didn't get out of the car, kept going, you probably have nothing to worry about.  

  10. Um s***w the Fake Police officer that called you a bad person. You are not. You're human just like that punk is. But I'm sort of going through the same thing except I was driving..Good Luck anyways!

  11. You are supposed to leave your name and phone number.

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