
Will someone explain rugby to me?

by  |  earlier

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i am from america, and i love american football, but rugby seems like a cool sport and i want to learn how it is played




  1. check out this link 4 rules of rugby:

  2. i think they make it up as they go what i got from it when i watch it

  3. OMG, complicated!

    This is a good site to explain the basic rules!

    Click on the link below!

  4. explaining rugby is like describing s*x to a virgin... jk

    the best way to learn is to play- its a great sport and very social as well.  not many in the us play american football full on after graduation from highschool/ college, but ruggers play for years.  its a great way to continue actually playing team contact sports.  

    below are links to usa rugby website and a spectator's guide.  you can also look up a local club on their website.

  5. it would take for ever  my son,it was the first game created.Open up your bible and the first line is "In the begining there was rugby"

  6. look around your town for a rugby club, many ex-footballers tend to be drawn to rugby when they discover it.  I am here in Springfield MO and we have quite a likeable rugby club.

    Look under US rugby and search under your region, they will gladly explain the game better than any reading matter online.

    And lastly , just buy an EA sports rugby game for PS2. That is one way to do it.

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