
Will someone explain to me why the democrats keep blocking are chance for oil?

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What harm does it do? (I know, I know) I just had to throw that in there for the masters of the pocket protector!




  1. Because they listen to what the people they represent want and many people don't to ruin the the land.

    Also, if we stopped shipping oil to Japan and China from Alaska we'd have more oil for our country.

  2. Their in bed with big oil higher gas prices mean more taxes they don't care about the spotted owl just the Green back.

  3. More environmental despoilment that benefits only a seleect few, for starters

  4. No, but I will explain to you that America has had a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT AND REPUBLICAN CONGRESS for six of the past eight years.

  5. Two main reasons:

    1. Oil drilling can severely damage the environment.

    2. Trying to get oil totally misses the real problem here: WE DON'T NEED OIL. We need to convert to alternative methods of fuel that are cheaper, cleaner, and easy to find HERE, without having to rely on foreign powers for our energy needs. We won't get over our unnecessary and unhealthy oil addiction by going after more and more oil.

    It is time to look at the big picture here and stop making our problems worse by being so short-sighted.

  6. All of this is a matter of who is the bully. We can use alternatives to relieve the consume of high gas prices. Lets look at Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, and other regions use Ethanol Gas. These people pay 12 cents a gallon!!! There is something seriously wrong when we are paying about 80 more times for Gas than them. It is all based on politics and who wants to have the higher power. The government does not care for the well been of their people. United States is so used to been the bully and the center of attention of the world. If the government keeps on, the basis of the American Dream will be shattered. People its all about politics... And if I remembered correctly, the Democrats and Obama were the ones that opposed for us to use our oil reserves when McCain and Bush tried to give the green light to use some oil reserves to relieve the gas outrage. Ultimately if we pull away and use other modified methods of gas, we will be looked as someone that does the talk but does not do the walk.

  7. its simple....democrats want wealth redistribution........take from the rich.and give to the poor.its very unamerican

  8. Well you are talking about more pollution, more oil spills, more pristine habitat gone, and more reliance upon oil!!

    Can you please tell me why republicans keep blocking the alternative energy that already exists?  The air-powered car has been picked up by 22 nations, of course we are not one of them.  Of course we are the b*tches to the oil and car manufacturers who want to bleed the world dry just to keep profits high.

    Do you realize that the arctic ocean is going to be ice free this summer?  When that happens, we will have polar wars to see which of the 6 nations that border the Arctic fight over that oil.  Then we're left with antarctica.  Is a light bulb turning on yet?  That we only have 2 major areas that haven't been exploited for oil left in the world!  What are we going to do when we bleed them dry?  Because we KNEW oil was going to hit this high!

    Jimmy Carter has been warning of this since he was president.  But of course republicans just want to insult him and think he was the worst president ever.  I think that award easily goes to Bush.  So turn off Fox new, and really listen to what we have already done to the world with our over-indulgence in oil.

    Does God want us to strip our paradise bare in search for oil that may or may not be there?  Or does he want us to help ourselves now while we have a chance.

  9. Democrats get most of their  money from special interest groups and their members. Animal rights groups that Green party types do a lot of the work for the DNC  it would alienate most of the people doing the work for them. In addition it would cut the amount of people donating. If they were to change their position all this would be lost or diminished.

    They are more interested in being in power and keeping it to do the right thing.

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