
Will someone please check my Latin homework translation?

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Hi, I'm taking Latin and I translated this paragraph thing for Latin. I'm going to put the latin sentence and then my translation below it and then the next sentence and then my translation below it. Would you please check it?


Troia ceciderat. Ulixes, fessus, *** sociis Graecis ad Ithacam navem solverat.

Troy fell. Ulixes, tired, loosened the ship with his Greek companions to Ithaka.

Sed magna tempestas navem propulsit; post novem dies ad terram incognitam venerunt.

But large storm drove forth the ship; after nine days they came to an unknown land.

Pauci nautae nunc ab Ulixe emissi sunt; eos (them) naturam terrae explorare iussit.

A few sailors were now sent by Ulixes; he ordered them to explore the nature of the land.

Incolae eos (them) benigne accipiunt et eis (to them) cibum donant.

The inhabitants accepted them kindly and gave to them food.

Sed ubi Graeci cibum (qui "lotus" appellatur) gustant, semper in terra amoena manere cupiunt.

But when Greeks taste the food (which is called “lotus”), they always want to stay in the pleasant land.

Neque patriam neque familias memoria tenent.

They do not remember neither their native land nor their families.

Ad navem non redeunt.

They will not return to their ship.

Alii (Some) nautae in regionem ut eos (them) inveniant (may find) mittuntur;

Some of the sailors are sent in the area so that they may find them;

sed primi Graeci clamant, "Non! Numquam! Non navigabimus!"

but the first Greeks yell “No! Never! We will not sail!”

Statim Ulixes ad eos (them) maturat, bracchia ligat, et eos (them) ad navem reportat.

Immediately Ulixes hurries to them, ties their arms, and carries them to the ship.

Tum a terra Africa Navigant.

Then they sail from the land of Africa.




  1. These are very good as they are; however, in the future you may want to consider the reader (helper) and number your selections to make it easier to assist you.

    My responses follow:

    Troia ceciderat. Ulixes, fessus, *** sociis Graecis ad Ithacam navem solverat.

    Troy fell. Ulixes, tired, loosened the ship with his Greek companions to Ithaka.

    ..... very good as is but needs to be expressed in the pluperfect (had fallen and had loosened) ...

    Sed magna tempestas navem propulsit; post novem dies ad terram incognitam venerunt.

    But large storm drove forth the ship; after nine days they came to an unknown land.

    .... Insert the article "a" in front of the adjective "large".

    Pauci nautae nunc ab Ulixe emissi sunt; eos (them) naturam terrae explorare iussit.

    A few sailors were now sent by Ulixes; he ordered them to explore the nature of the land.

    Incolae eos (them) benigne accipiunt et eis (to them) cibum donant.

    The inhabitants accepted them kindly and gave to them food.

    .... "accipiunt" is present tense as is "donant".  Make this necessary change for each verb.

    Sed ubi Graeci cibum (qui "lotus" appellatur) gustant, semper in terra amoena manere cupiunt.

    But when Greeks taste the food (which is called “lotus”), they always want to stay in the pleasant land.

    Neque patriam neque familias memoria tenent.

    They do not remember neither their native land nor their families.

    Ad navem non redeunt.

    They will not return to their ship.

    ... "redeunt" is present tense.  Change in the English.

    Alii (Some) nautae in regionem ut eos (them) inveniant (may find) mittuntur;

    Some of the sailors are sent in the area so that they may find them;

    ... "in" for the English" should be "into" as the accusative indicates motion.

    sed primi Graeci clamant, "Non! Numquam! Non navigabimus!"

    but the first Greeks yell “No! Never! We will not sail!”

    Statim Ulixes ad eos (them) maturat, bracchia ligat, et eos (them) ad navem reportat.

    Immediately Ulixes hurries to them, ties their arms, and carries them to the ship.

    Tum a terra Africa Navigant.

    Then they sail from the land of Africa.

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