
Will someone please explain this to me...?

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This is from the DNC... "The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right," it said"

Its the regardless of ability to pay part thats getting me... So According to the Democrats, its not just a matter of choice anymore, its a matter of, Do what you want, and well have the tax payers pay for your oops, which we are telling you to use as birth control?

Please am i reading that right? And Nay sayers, its streight from the AP;_ylt=AkPvqguxCSG4r8NbL3xjuRZh24cA




  1. You do realize that the majority of health insurance programs do not cover birth control or any form of contraception? They'll cover your hard-on (Viagra) but not our ability to keep from getting pregnant.

  2. Bingo. You read it right.

    They want taxpayers to pay for abortion as a form of birth control.

  3. You are 100% correct, along with everything else they want us to pay for.

  4. Liberals love infanticide!

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