
Will someone please rescue me from this meat loving hormone excepting addiction i have?

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You see i've had this seed growing in me to be change my diet and not just me but my daughter as well but i feel like well i know im addicted to meat i mean i don't eat it three times a day but I kinda know there's something bad about so i thought if i watched one of those films it would be shocking enough and serious enough for me to really see the seriousness of it all. If anyone can help me find one of those films i would really appreciate it.




  1. I'm not sure the love of meat is such a bad thing til it can be classified as an addiction.

    I'm not sure about movies, but if you're into reading, try the book 'Fast Food Nation' - sure put me off eating American beef.

  2. Sometimes craving something means that your body is lacking those nutrients.  That is why pregnant women crave crazy things, and others crave something until they eat it.

    "Food cravings are especially common in people following structured diet plans, and often interfere with the best of intentions to adhere to a particular style of eating.

    Foods with higher sugar glucose, such as chocolate, are often more craved than foods with lower sugar glucose, such as broccoli.

    Food cravings are also commonly seen in pregnant women. The craving of non-food items is called pica.

    A widely accepted reason for certain cravings (especially during pregnancy) are a drop in the bodies levels of the vitamins and minerals contained in the food craved. A person on a strict diet, may therefore crave items considered 'unhealthy' as they contain high sugar glucose, which they have become defficient in."

    Try looking somewhere else for the nutrients you would get by eating meat.  Hope that helps!

  3. Hugh Fernely (sorry cant spell!) does lots of films and shows him breeding his own: chickens,pigs,cows Etc and then shows him killing them for slaughter and first they shock the animal with alot of electricity then slit its neck for the blood to poor out then cut it up for a Hog roast lol

    Hope it helps


  4. It sounds like you already know eating meat is wrong, I don't think that a graphic video will help any more than graphic anti-smoking ads help people decide to give up smoking.

    A video will not shock you into an epiphany if it merely reinforces what you already know, instead you should takes small steps to becoming a vegetarian now, and not make excuses.

    Be honest with yourself, are you someone that best gives up cold-"tofukey" (sorry for the pun) or weens themselves off slowly... making a lasting change to your lifestyle does take effort but you will feel better for it by knowing you are doing the right thing!

  5. Visit a slaughterhouse. Some people can hear about tragedies like that and watch it on video, and they still won't change. Nothing can compare to visiting a slaughterhouse, smelling the air of illness and death, listening to the workers talk about cows as if they were mere objects, actually seeing the pain and sorrow in the cows' eyes when you see them hanging upside down while their blood drips to the floor, hearing their screams of despair, watching a machine rip the limbs off of still-breathing animals.

    By the way, I really appreciate you wanting to change what you eat. You'll make a big difference in the world if you achieve it.

  6. Visit  That's a great place to start.

  7. You will do better by getting a couple cookbooks and trying vegetarian meals. Gradually cut back on the meat you eat.  Looking at slaughter videos is a form or Aversion Therapy, and it doesn't work over the long hall. If it did no one would smoke, drink and drive, etc.

  8. go to

    you can probably email them and ask for a dvd

    or theres places on the site where you can order a bunch of stuff, but if you just want the dvd you can probably email them.

    its always free, too!

    or you can go on youtube and find out.

    heres a good one

    also, try vegetarian meats, they taste the exact same :D

  9. Earthlings  - very good movie (1 hr 35 min):

    Meet you Meat (13 minutes) -

    15 reasons to become vegetarian -

    Cute cartoon video on basic truths -

  10. you know there's some really good vegetarian meat alternatives? you could try and get addicted to one of them? lol

    Here's a video you wanted:

    good luck!

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