
Will someone please tell me how to do the real back walkover??

by  |  earlier

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iight... um... i can do a bridge kickover. but i really really want to just put one leg up go down and kick over straight away. but i am very curious about what will happen if i try going right away. i tryed going down with one foot but im too scared to go straight over. and i don't do gymnastics. i do dance. and if anyone can help with the REAL back walkover thing i would really appreciate it. OH and i also need help with my back handspring. i scared to jump backward. I KNOW I NEED TO FACE MY FEARS BUT REALLY NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE




  1. i understand completely!  backbends are hard and u have to face your fears... the best way is to have someone put their hand on your back as you go and they'll tell you how much they had to push to get you over so you can practice almost anyone can spot you... also for backhandspring thats the worst if you have never done one try to do a pike over which is just a back bend and keep your legs together as you basically push over you will probably need a spot or push to help you over ...... then you can have someone do a very heavy spot the best spots i think are ppl who do can do tat stuff so if anyone at your studio can they can tell you whats going on..... try it on a mat or grass first.....hope i helped!

  2. Get someone to spot you so that if something goes wrong they can catch you. Then after they help you a couple times, have them near and then go for it since you'll know what it feels like and you'll have the confidence in knowing you have the strength.

  3. you need to pratice the bridge alot

  4. You dont need to start with the leg up, especially at this early point in learning. Learn a strong back bend first, then kick over. Then start with your kicking leg extended. Think of rolling back each vertabrae seperately so it slows you down while you first learn. That way, worst case scenario, you fall back on your hands and cant kick over, no biggie.

  5. start by using a wall. (it sounds weird) walk up the wall then kick over. Once you get that down try rocking back and fourth without a wall and pike up your leg from the ground into your stomach then kick over. Then try doing it one soft motion by starting with your leg out but the ground once you can easily do that start with your leg off the ground. Finally get your leg off the ground at a 90 degree angle and kick!

    For a back-handspring try to do back arabian limbers which is when you go back into a back bend with both your legs completely together. Then jumping off both legs kick over. Its pretty hard but when you can do that smoothly you can whip your legs down and kinda get a spring out of your back limber. Then just do the same motion but jump into and sooner or later you'll be doing a back hand spring.

    Hope this helps!!!  :]

  6. OK as you start put your stronger foot behind your weaker foot by about 40cm but not directly behind (you will do this because you will kick off with your stronger foot). then as your leaning back lift your weaker foot up. when you feel you cant lean any further sort of let your self drop  in the direction of the floor as close to your feet as possible. as soon as your hands touch the floor kick off (push) as hard and as elegantly as you can pulling your weaker foot towards the other side. it takes alot of practice maybe ask  your friend to help. as soon as you've got that smoothly your back handspring will become alot easier. start with your feet together. practice leaning into a bridge then progress into jumping. . ask a friend to help when you jump back to support your back. try it things always seem scary when you think about them but not even half as scary when you do !


  8. Back walkovers are done on one leg with the other in front of you.

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