
Will someone please tell me what to do?

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should i let my husband who told me that he wanted a divorce think that i am ok even though im not? do you think it will make him want to come home if he thinks that i am moving on? we have kids and i know he loves me and his kids . he has always been a great dad and now that he is gone he dont even call to checjk on them or come to see them. he will tell them that he will and then he never shows. what am i supposed to do ???????




  1. I think every woman young & old knows in her gut what action to take next.

    I have been through something like that when first married and I played my cards right & fought for my marriage.~~

    I won & have been married many yrs., & never regretted my decision.

    You have lived with this man & share his children.

    If he loves you, why did he leave ?  

    One of you or both needed to work on your issues.

    Is it to late for that ?? Ask your husband ??

    Tell him you miss him & love him, if you do. Only the truth. ~~~~

    Be sweet & loving & someone that he wants more then anything to be with. Fake it till you make it. In time it becomes a nicer you & it'll rub off on him & make your marriage stronger & it's problems lighter.

    I find over the years, the nicer & kinder I am, the  more my husband lavishes me with compliments & all kinds of nice thoughtful things. I complimented him first in the beginning, didn't hurt me a bit. I was doing my part for me and my marriage. It was #1 in my mind.

    Our life is wonderful today because we don't sweat the small stuff & we are born again christians.~~~~

    Good luck to you & yours & God's Blessings be with you all.~~~

    God, I pray it's not to late to save this marriage & family. Amen

    You can contact me at  if you wish. Jill

  2. no relation to Language section

    post it in Family & Relationships

  3. Here are some really good site to help you deal with divorce, and the heartbreak involved>

    He is likely hurting just as you are, and distancing himself from the relationship until he comes to terms with it. Once he accepts it as reality, he will be more attentive to his children.

  4. first of all you should find out the reason why he left you, and if you understand why it is so, than you can think of if there's a possibility to get back together. But remember, your husband should turn back to you and the kids because he loves you the way you are, you can't change yourself entirely, you can only make steps into his he should make steps into your direction. I know, we all cannot really help you, but i hope you'll find some comfort in our words, and i really hope things turn out good for you ,no matter which direction it might be...i wish you the best.

  5. I am so sorry for the troubles you are facing.  Do you attend a church where you can get counseling?  You could use an ally at this difficult time.  

    You and your husband need a mediator or counselor to help you.  Please seek out the appropriate help to keep the two of you together or aide the separation, whichever comes out of this difficult time.  

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