
Will someone please tell me why when I change my 'Basic Info' and click 'Save' then go to view my page...

by Guest56763  |  earlier

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the information is not changed at all!!! I have been trying to change it for 30 minutes now and it is getting very frustrating! Maybe there is something stupid I am overlooking...but wtf, I'm not computer-ignorant, so why is this so hard?! Please help me with my stupid question!! Thank you!!




  1. Yep. What Kee said. I tried over & over &almost lost one of my contacts worrying them over how to change something. lol

    But it does take a while, &If it doen't work, Yahoo is soon converting over to Yahoo!Mash, so it probably won't do a lot of good to write, that's what i heard.

  2. All fields with a red asterisk on that page must be completely filled in or the page will NOT save.

    If you want to hide something, put the permission for that section to "Just Me (Private)" but you must still fill in that section completely.

    FYI: Yahoo is converting 360 to the Y!Mash system for greater coding flexibility, but it will not be Y!Mash as we know it now.  See for accurate details. Also, the Y!360 team is no longer fixing bugs.

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