
Will someone please tell the union people that the US regulates the work place now and we no longer need their

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guardianship? Would certainly be nice.

When Henry Ford was originally building autos the unions were needed. Now they are just an ananchronism in American society.




  1. Just watched another red flag waving "solidarity...what do we want? when do we wannit " it sauntered thru town..

    The usual parade of megaphoned unionists & rebel ferals, lefties etc carrying images of Marx & Lenin..with words like " Resistance ".Down with Capitalism..lah de dah..ho hum...same old same old...

    From my perspective, it all looks rather sad & the rhetoric is right out Dickensian London....

    " We the Rank & File blah de blah...demand..blah de blah...."

    They're always " demanding " never negotiating...

    I've seen images of union protests like these all over the world...and they all bear the same hall marks of ossifying unionism....

    Sure, unions are important in certain circumstances, but the anachronistic jargon & "class struggle" mentality drives people away in droves..with the net result being that union memberships are on a constant downward path.....

    But still the Union bosses ( often marxists ) won't listen to the mums & dads of suburbia.......sheesh...when will they learn ?

    Maybe the unions could do with Spin doctoring & PR....


  2. With the decline in real wages over the last 20 years, it's apparent that unions are necessary now more than ever. Especially in a country governed by a rich boy who wants throw out every occupational health and safety or environmental regulation that impedes the ability of his rich buddies to make even more money.

  3. hmmm, my husband is currently dispatched as a Steward. . the only time he's telling ANYBODY what to do is when he tells the company they actually HAVE to comply with OSHA regulations.

    Don't be naive, companies will bend/break the laws at any point it becomes a financially good idea. I know of several good men and women that would be DEAD if there wasn't a Union Steward working with them. The company ordered them back into a confined space after a Sulfur Dioxide leak (SO2 is deadly); the Steward asked if the air had been tested per OSHA regulations. Guess what. . . it hadn't. Levels of SO2 exceeded OSHA PELs to the point it would have killed the workers before they could have been retrieved.

    Besides, OSHA isn't so specific that it covers every circumstance. Therefore, companies have leeway to use their judgment; about 99% of the time the will choose the cheaper option even if it's not the safest.

    Maybe if you had a dangerous job you'd appreciate a the added protection of Union Representation. Once you put your life, limb, and health on the line EVERYDAY, then you can say Unions aren't wanted anymore. Go out and do my husband's job; become part of the industry that has 20% of the On the Job Fatalities every year (which has actually been a decreasing rate thanks to the Union emphasis on Safety). We don't know how the daily toxic exposure will show up in the long run - asbestos is safe compared to some of the stuff these guys work with. Fly ash, lime dust, black liquor, chromium (welding fumes), airborne rust particles, airborne lead paint, etc. Not to mention the normal stuff like burns, falling, falling objects, flash burn, slag searing into your skin, etc

  4. Hopefully we will abolish unions in this country or they'll just fade away. They're the reason most of our manufacturers have left the country. Them and health insurance companies. Now we have to work on the greedy health insurance industry.

    Most states have passed Right to Work laws which pretty much wipes out the power of unions in those states

  5. With the decline of the unions came the decline in real wages and better paying jobs in the United States. You should be able to see that with a blindfold on. Historically the union jobs were always the better paying jobs. Unions are needed again. Eventually people will come back to unions because much of history repeats itself. It goes in cycles. You'll see.

  6. The unions are their to make sure that management follows all of those government regulations that are in place, because there are not enough government inspectors to do the job.

  7. The Steelworkers Union protected my fathers job so that he could provide for my family.  I support the unions proudly and would never say one word against them.  If anything, we need more unions.  

    I am glad you have found your way in the world without them, but that doesnt mean they aren't still needed.  Stop being so closed minded as to think that your existance is the only one that matters.

  8. The unions are getting rid of themselves. They allied with the leftists and chased most of the good union jobs out of the country. Their buddies the democrats sold them out with Nafta and Gatt. Now they are supporting the illegal alien invasion as a last ditch effort to collect dues from someone, putting their own members in the toilet with falling wages and benefits. The modern union bosses are a bunch of liberal wienies.

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