
Will someone tell me why we collect points on here? Is there some great prize at the end.Drat there go 5 point

by  |  earlier

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Thankyou everyone for your answers.I no it's not the points that matter but the help you can give to others in need some more so than others and the friends you make all over the world.




  1. lol just for recognition and power ARHH

  2. I think the points get you a one on one meeting behind the curtain with the great and terrible Oz.

    Two points WooHoo!

  3. Id like to know that too. Maybe one day they will ask us how we would like to be paid out. i.e. free phone minutes or tesco points. Every little bit helps

  4. you can spend them at tescos but dont tell anyone its a secret

    plus i have given u a star to spend aswell

  5. I do it cos there's nothing better to do

    and I genuinely want to help peoples' problems out in any way I can

  6. Um- that's a point.

  7. It's like an addictive challenge. Ye get nae prizes but ye dae get the satisfaction o' gettin' one up on some o' the other Yahoo buffs!!  I'm thinkin' aboot goin' tae therapy tae get me aff the site!!!!

  8. Naw they're just bragging points darlin.

    But the more points you do get the more allowance you are given in rating answers and such.

    If you want to consider that as a bonus or worth your while, but the main reason the site has so many people here is because we can communicate answers and questions on a whole variety of topics. The wonder of it is that from all over the world we get answers!!

    When I was a young man this was an impossible idea. At hight school our computer ( that's right "computer" [singular]) took up a whole room larger than the living room I have here at home.

    So points are just an incentive to answer as much as you can. Small matter to be sure but still, it is currency as well because you need some points to participate in questions when you ask.

    Again, the wonder for me is the fact that the whole globe can communicate on one little question.

  9. It does make you feel like you've made an accomplishment (though some people just type like...idk, 'NO' or something and get points for it) the higher your points are the more levels you can get to. the higher your levels are, the more you are able to do. (example: you can't rate anyone's question until you get to level 2) and this is something i'm not quite sure i agree w/ but it's what yahoo! answers said. the more points you have, the more you can show off to your friends. well idk....i'm not sure about spending them @ tesco's....haven't heard that b4....of course, if it IS a secret, then i guess i wouldn't have heard about it. lol

  10. Well, you answer questions and get 2 points and if you get best answer, you get an extra 10 pionts. Your pionts add up and you go up to different levels. But remeber, you get pionts taken away every time you ask a question.

    Help I helped you! =]

  11. I don't know why.

    It is some idea of Yahoo! to give those with lots of points some sort of sense of false status. I don't give a toss.

    (2 more points, Yeehaaa!)

  12. pass

    but i just got

    2 points


  13. Because you feel as if you have a goal to reach more points... Thats my reckoning anyway..

  14. well, if they gave us money instead of points, I'd be happier.

  15. The entire web seems to be full of ways of scoring points and getting or giving star ratings. Someone out there clearly thinks it's why people use their websites!!

  16. HA HA HA basically if you have thousands of points then gee you must be smart and know what you are talking about. HA HAHA. Really, what other reason would be people come back here when they are bored out of their minds. ??

  17. I never bother about the points to be honest, I just come on when ever and answer same lol

  18. No idea

  19. I want to be top pointer....INEED TO BE TOP POINTER....I have only to spend another nine years and ....Excuse me while I kill myself :)

  20. collecting points for me is a good way to pass time i like to see how many points i need for the next level its a game in a sense,even though its not all about earning points it keeps me interested, my husband thinks im addicted, to yahoo and he may be right lol, i just think the point scheme is good and it encourages you to get involved, if a person answers a question and they've given the best answer the reward of 10 points, is quiet encouraging, i just love yahoo answers and the points make it interesting

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