
Will somone please answer the question: Was Palin's daughter punished with a baby? should she have killed it?

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"Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old," he said. "I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. --- Obama

Now, your daughter is pregnant or you are pregnant or someone is pregnant with an unplanned baby. What should she do? Take Obama's advice and consider it a punishment. Or go with christian advice and chose to let it live. I am a Black man Baptist from the South and in our church we consider abortion wrong. We do support adoption but not abortion. I support Palin and this pregnancy only makes my support and Christain support stronger.




  1. I think Yahoo should DELETE your question... it is down right stupid.  

  2. Possibly this could be viewed as a "punishment" for having s*x. BTW she knew better and she knew right from wrong.  

  3. Nope.

    "Just say no."

    Does that ever work?

  4. Her mother would have absolutely disowned her if she had an abortion--you can be certain of that. As pro-life as Palin is, her head probably would have exploded.

  5. They should be able to make the choice of what they wanna do. AND the REAL Christian thing to do is to remain abstinent until marriage, so looks like her whole "Christianity,  holier than thou" spiel is shot to h**l

  6. As Obama said at Saddleback Church (transcript: ) his being pro-choice doesn't mean he's pro-abortion.  Obama wants to reduce the abortion rate, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US.  He's just unwilling to take his anti-abortion stance so far as to make illegal a woman's choice in the matter, including in cases of rape, incest, or the endangerment of the life of the mother.

    If you want to attack Obama for not making abortions illegal, then OK, fine.  If you want to scold him for not doing enough to combat the impulsiveness and short-sightedness that leads to so many abortions and an STD rate among teens of 25%, then OK, fine (though I give a link below contradicting this).  But passing on your misreading a recommendation to get an abortion into something Obama said is a bit much.  Trying to keep others from breaking Commandment 6 doesn't give you permission to break Commandment 9.

    Slightly off-topic, it is interesting to note that McCain's saying to great applause at Saddleback that life begins at conception (actually it begins before conception; sperm and egg cells are respiring cells) of course doesn't reconcile with his support of embryonic stem cell research.  When he reminded the audience of his stem cell position, he was met with -- crickets.

    But back to the exceptions: note also that prohibiting abortion even in cases of rape, incest, of even the endangerment of the life of the mother has been in the GOP platform since at least 2000.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but that last prohibition dictates that, when both lives are in danger, the fetus's has primacy over the mother's?  I find this hard to believe.  Even parity seems a bit much.

    McCain scolded Bush in a 2000 debate for not knowing that the GOP platform did not make exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

    In '07, McCain exhibited the same hostility to the platform.  But in the past few days McCain has backed off his intent to change the platform language, just as the abortion attacks on Obama heated up.

    Mere coincidence?  Or just really, really good timing?

  7. Here's Johnny.....every family has "family problems".  Bet yours does, too, if you have a family.

    hllywood.....disowned her?  To hear the libs tell it, Palin's family is poor white trash living in a trailer park (probably parked their travel trailer outside the Governor's Mansion, don't ya think?).  What's to "disown" from?

    Liberals trying to think are a funny thing to watch.

    No, I think Bristol Palin is doing what is perfectly right for her in regard to her child.  

    And I agree with you.  I am bi-racial, also from the South (well, Texas), and my family also believes in adoption, not abortion.  In fact, we believe in taking care of our own.  So, as far as I am concerned, Bristol Palin has my support and best wishes.

    And, thank you.  So nice to hear from an adult black man instead of the wannabe gangstas who normally habituate this forum.

    Edit:  fdm, Bristol Palin DID have a "choice".  She exercised her choice. She chose to carry her child to term.  "Choice" does not necessarily mean choosing to abort.

    If you are trying to say her mother interfered, what would you say if Obama's daughter (at age 17) became pregnant and chose to abort?  Would that be HER decision, or Obama's?  What if she chose to have the baby?  Would you say Obama supressed her "choice"?

    It's a family problem, not a political one.  And every family has problems.

  8. No and no.  I applaud the Palin family for how they are handling their circumstances.  

  9. Yea well Obama may very well feel differently in a few years as this situation can happen to any family. I suppose he would take the girl for an abortion-- another good reason not to vote for him.




  11. I can tell that there are some people that do not have teenage kids because of their answers.   You try to teach your kids to do the right thing, try to lead by example.  Talk to them about s*x, drugs and life. You want them to be the best they can be. You are there for them, try to instill values, try to take them to a spiritual place.  They are not perfect, they make mistakes, no matter how hard you try to protect them.  You hope they make the right decisions.   I think the Palin's did what they thought was right and respect them for it.

  12. I was raised by a teenage mom and support abortion for those getting pregnant at that age.  The one punished is the child.

  13. children are gifts from God - period.  the mistake was having s*x so young, however, this happens to millions of people across the world.

    it's a very personal decision.  i respect her for facing the responsibility.  thank God she has the support of her family.

  14. Bristol Palin has the freedom to make a CHOICE. Her mother wants to remove that ability to choose.

  15. How about giving it up for adoption?  

  16. Thank you for a good question and answer.  I am in total agreement with you and I believe most folks are.  Adoption is such a wonderful option, as there are many people waiting for a child.  Most have to go overseas, which is risky in many cases.

    McCain/Palin 08

  17. The punishment in this case is really the baby's. A 17 year old is not able to care for an infant. Luckily there's a caring and supportive family here, but I think abortions should be mandatory for anyone under 25.

  18. stop posting the same question.  no one cares.

  19. Sarah should have bought her some rubbers.  I doubt if you are a parent.  You don't seem to have any idea how hard it is for anyone to raise a child let alone a girl who is 17.

  20. Only she can answer this question.  Some might think it is a punishment for the sin of fornication.  I don't see it as a blessing when a child is born out of wedlock.  It certainly is a burden and a life changer.   It boggles the mind that people can talk about Christian values when they talk about abortion but think it is OK for a 17 unmarried person to give birth.  I guess some Christians pick the sins they like to complain about and ignore the others.  Sin is sin.  The Bible speaks about Fornication  as well as murder.  Does your church support premarital s*x and having a child out of wedlock.. By he way I don't support abortion but I don't think this is the only sin one can commit.

    Obama/Biden 08

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