
Will spurs win the 2009 championship?cause they won it 2003,2005,2007.....?

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Spurs won it 03,05,07 every other year will they 2009?




  1. yea! they will also win in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021...........*sarcasm*



  3. Doubt it cuz they're going to make it a new rule that you cant flop like they do. thats how they win all their games is free points from flopping around. and for you spur fans that are going to give a thumbs down.. ha i could care less. I'm a Denver Nuggets fan all the way!

  4. LETS GO SPURS! Im a huge spurs fan and while I do think that this age things won't affect them in 09, their future is lookin horrible. They could win it in 09, but they do need to grab someone like Maggette or some other young athlete that can get to the rim. Without that type of player, they will do fine, but wont have a championship team. However- if the lakers and hornets play and the hornets win, i think the spurs can beat them again and win the championship. The team that troubles them is LA. LETS GO SPURS!

  5. no way lakers will...

  6. i dont think so,,

    if there is still the big 3 of the celtics they cant win it..

    and if they can beat lakers ...

  7. No chance!They haven't signed the players it would take to beat the Lakers and the Hornets.

  8. I see ure a spurs fan, and I cant blame ur optimism. I hate to break it to u BUT the Spurs will not. Itll be the Hornets and Lakers. I am sorry. Spurs are too old and too slow

  9. No they are a year older and they got killed by the Hornets

  10. Their still missing one player who can create their own shot

  11. I'm getting sick of hearing the "oh their old, they won't win it all", that is pure BS, anybody who thinks that the Spurs are not going to win it all for that reason is just being ignorant.  As long as Duncan is on that team until the day he retires, the Spurs will always be title contenders.  HMM weren't people saying that they won't win it  before the 2005 and 2007 postseason started.  I wouldn't be surprised if they beat L.A. next season in the playoffs, as they should beaten them last season if it weren't for that crooked ref, Crawford. Many, many people will be shocked when L.A. gets knocked in the semis, I assure you that the Spurs will make it to the conference finals.

  12. They have to get younger if they want a chance to contend.

    they should go get a star on the trading block like Shawn Marion,Ron Artest,and Jamaal Tinsley.

  13. maybe this will be the 1st year they wont get out of the 1st round? a year makes a difference, stop making silly predictions now..for all we know the sixers could win a title

  14. i dont think so.

  15. no....they are getting older

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