
Will sterilization really stop my cat from meowing every 3 months?

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I was living in the country where the vet service is so poor that it would have been unsafe to sterilize my cat. Now, we moved to far more civilized country and took out cat with us. She had the meowing periods when we did not allow her to go outside (she is the home cat) and it would last for a week or two. Now, I have an option to sterlize her but I'm scared to death to take her for the surgery. The question, well in fact, two are: how safe is that operation? Will it really stop the cat from meowing? Thanks to all.




  1. There is always a slight risk involved with surgery, but I have never known anyone who lost a pet during this type of surgery.  It is a fairly quick procedure, but a good vet will make you leave her there all day so they can observe her--at least until she is fully awake.

    The cat is meowing because she is in heat.  She is sending out a message to the male cats to let them know she is ready to mate.  If she has the surgery, she will no longer go into heat, no longer be ready to mate, and so no, she will not feel the need to do that yowling anymore.

  2. get her fixed! it will only leave an incision of about an inch. if you don't, she is at a very high risk of getting cancer, because of the excess hormones in her body. she will be calmer and quieter, both of you will be happier.

  3. Tell us where you are: Country/ City and somone might be able to recommend a good vet. This might help you to feel more comfortable having your cat fixed. A responsible pet owner sterilizes their pet.

  4. the meowing was when she was in heat. during the time a kitty is in heat is the time the cat can get pregnant. fixing the cat will stop its heats, therefore stop the meowing periods. =]

  5. You need to get your cat fixed asap because it is just wrong letting her be in heat this way. There are so many animals that die every year and I'm sure that if your cat escapes that you will not be able to take care of 4-8 kittens for the rest of their lives. Please get her spayed. Over 10 million animals a year have to die because there aren't enough owners to take care of them!  My momma cat who is a stray was pregnant when we took her in. We let her keep two of them and had to put the other two in a shelter. So sad! She hates them right now since we got her fixed but it has to be done. Each cat can have 4-10 cats in one litter! It only goes to show how many have to be killed because there is no home for them!


  6. Yes, the operation is very safe, and she'll probably even be allowed to go home the very same day.

    And yes, it will stop her annoying meowing. Have her spayed, it's the responsible thing to do!

  7. It depends if its a male or female.  The procedure is cheaper , safer, and easier to do the surgery on a male cat (for obvious reasons) and more expensive and more complex for females b/c they actuallly have to go inside the abdomen.    It is a pretty routine procedure so the vets have probably done it a million times.  And yes, the procedure will cease the "in heat" meowing.  Good luck!

  8. It will stop the SEVERE meowing (that sounds like a wild cat inhabited your baby).

    Sterilization will make for a much happier animal. It is not only smart thing to do, it makes for a calmer animals, wont have males prowling around the doors and windows spraying on things to mark their territory.

    It helps the kitty to have a longer healthier life.  Ask around for a good respectable vet. Not all vets are great at the same thing.

    I have one vet I use primarily for pet ailments, and another that I use for yearly checkups.

    The first vet is WICKED smart about illnesses in animals and can spot cancer without having to run a ton of tests, but he is costly. I use the other "country vet" for the shots because she is cheaper, but not as on top of things like the cancers.

  9. the surgery is very safe. The vet can reassure you of this by telling you how many surgeries he has done and how many complications he may have had in the past. The cat meows every month for a mate, so if you get her spayed then she will have no more interest in mating and will then stop meowing..something else your vet can confirm. Good Luck!!

  10. The operation is very routine so there's nothing to worry about. It will calm her down and she won't meow like she does now. It's all around a great idea to do.

  11. Yes, will stop! Safe, especially in what you said a 'more civilized country'. All 5 of my cats were sterilized in Russia and were fine and lived a long and peaceful life they wouldn't have if they v\were not sterilized. I was stressed much more than were my cats who recovered the very next day, both males and females. Do it for your cat and for yourself. Make sure the cat is given a pain med after it - ask to make sure and all will be fine.

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