
Will swimming help me get rid of cellulite?

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I'm already in pretty good shape, but I've begun swimming to tone up and work on my cardio. Will it reduce cellulite?




  1. Yes! Swimming is the best sport, helping in struggle with cellulite and overweight. Swim when you can: in a swimming-pool, sea, river and your hips will become smooth, skin - satin, and body outlines will significantly improve.

  2. Yes it will get rid of cellulite

  3. I heard walking in sand bacwars helps and also staying away from cane sugars too. I dont know how true it is but Im sure its good for you.

  4. anyone can get cellulite unfortunately. but to remove cellulite you have to do three things. firstly change you diet your diet you need to remove as much saturated fat as possible and to eat foods that are free of toxins. because foods that are high in saturated fats and toxins cause the fats cells in the cellulite area to become enlarged and group together creating dimples (cellulite) on the skins surface.  the alterations of your diet don't need to be great it's easy to some up you just need to eat healthier more fruit and foods that are associated with detoxing

    secondly you need to exercise,  both cardiovascular and anareaobic exercises. yeah swimming will help but specifically you want to perform exercises that are going to help your specific area such as lunges, running and sit ups

    to get the best results you need to get a cellulite cream because the cellulite has damaged the your skins connective tissues and skins cell structure you need to rejuvenate your skin help repair the damage, you need to strengthen these cells as there is no point in doing this work if the skins tissue will never have the strength to bring back the skins smoothness and firmness. the best cream that i have seen is from it's good stuff, 100% natural ingredients, no prescription needed, 100% safe and they have a reputable name and brand

    good luck

  5. yes its exercise!

  6. there is no better all around exercise than swimming! keep it up!

  7. yea it will if you swim laps.. and walking.

  8. cellulite is the bands that that connect to the tissue and fat, making the little dimples. you can make it less noticable by exercising and being in shape but there is no real way of getting rid of it unless you have plastic surgery to break these banks of tissue.

  9. yes. just about any exercise will help reduce cellulite

  10. yeah.. and also cut back on fatty foods.. like fried ones and drink lots of water

  11. yes as well as walking

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