
Will swimming regularly give me broad shoulders?

by  |  earlier

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I've begun swimming every day for exercise but do not want to start looking manly! Naturally I'm smaller at top so I'm not too concerned...or should I be?




  1. it realy repends im 13 and i have very broad sholders for a girl and nobody notices but i swim state level it realy depends on how much and how hard u tran or swim but nobody will realy notice if u get broad should not only men have wide should most swimmers have wide should it is realy called swimmers shoulders it very normal for swimmers

    i hope i helped u

  2. yes it will if you do it a s work out...daily

  3. don't worry swimming babes are hot.

  4. Only if you take it up competitively and you do work-outs with elastic bands or heavy weights. Lots of front-crawl and butterfly swimming would also build up your shoulder muscles. But really a little bit of shoulder combined with slim waist would allow you to look great, even when dressed up. Dont worry your shoulders wont increase much by now, as they are kind of set, as an adult. Only in the sport of professional body-building will a female look manly.

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