
Will swimming tire me out for hockey practice?

by Guest56399  |  earlier

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I swam for a hour. I can go to hockey today, or tommrowo only one. I want to go today but I heard swiming tires out your legs, just





  1. It depends how you are swimming, if you are just playing around you won't be as tired but if you are swimming in the lanes you could be tired a lot faster but swimming can really build up your strength and endurence for hockey. If you do both on the same day, you will be tired but its good for you.

  2. You will be tired. But you could go anyway if you are not being too wimpy... ;)

  3. no it will help u get strenght in your arms

  4. swimming wont tire you out if youre an athlete and just doin it for recreation and not swimming lengths or anything, just dont sit in the hot tub!! my coach told us its a bad idea the night before a tournament or game , there is something in the water that makes you sleepy. serious

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