
Will talk change the world, can we buy our way out of global warming, are weall insane?

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as the world bounces from one climate disaster to another, as homes of the poor are swamped with the results of global warming, multi-national corporations, live like millionaires with their families sipping champagne and playing golf like they were the masters of the universe, mean while poor families all over the world pay the price for their out rageous behaviour, are we insane to let this situation continue, or are we just scared of losing what we have which in 10 yrs time if things dont change will amount to nothing, whta matters more ,people or how much money you can accummulate compared to your neighbour.I dont beleive they are human.




  1. Global warming, bah, it's too expensive to do anything about it even if it was true, which it isn't, the government and oil companies told me so, and they always tell the truth..


    And the world is flat, all that c**p about the world being round was just BS son.

    So next time you are on a cruise ship watch out for the edge...

    And regarding a responsible press, allowing all major media to consolidate into the hands of the corporate few isn't a good start.

  2. It makes me angry too

    selfishness is the rule in capitalism it is the driving force

  3. 1. Talk cannot change the world. I defy anyone to show one historical instance where negotiations have settled international conflicts.

    2. There is no such thing as Global Warming so there is no need to buy our way ot of something that doesn't exist.

    3. We are not all insane...but the jury is still out on whether you are or not.

  4. I agree with an earlier poster on all counts, but I will try to not be abrasive.

    1. Taking does not change anything, only action does. Changing the world requires action on a massive scale. Since this is a collective process, talk does influence what actually gets done and by who.

    2. Although some individuals are profiting greatly by convincing the world that global warming is caused by human activity, there is much dissent in the scientific community about this. I am far from being convinced that we understand the physics involved well enough to make such a claim. If we did, then the weather forecasts would always be right. They are not.

    3. We are not all insane, but upping the average IQ wouldn't hurt a bit. Having a responsible press that reports the facts instead of forwarding a political agenda would help too. In fact I like to think the problem is more the latter than the former.

  5. Countries must unite to fight global warming so that we will be able to survive on this earth.

  6. If there's no such thing as global warming then what is happening to our polar ice caps? I mean hey I don't think everything is a cause for dire emergency but, I do think that something is going on.

  7. We are not all insane, but some of us are gullible.

    People who believe in global warming should check out some magazines from 25 years ago.  They were saying that we were going into a new ice age.

    Then, in the Nineties, Y2K was all the rage.  All the computers were going to melt down because they couldn't deal with the new millennium.  

    We have been lied to so many times, it amazes me that some people still believe our politicians and the media.

  8. Talk will not change the world. And nothing will change global warming since there is NO SUCH THING !!!!!!! Anyone who believes there is, is insane

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