
Will tampons hurt if Im a virgin?

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I am 12 and think im about to start my period. But do tampons hurt? I mean doesnt it hurt to take it in and out?




  1. not if you use them right and read the directions first

  2. Ehh. Im 13 and when I started using them at 11.

    It hurts like the first one u use. but not that bad. and after you put it in, walk around a bit and if it hurts or you feel uncomfortablness then go back to the bathroom take it out and put another one in and make sure you put it in the right way and make sure its up pretty far. Good luck;)

  3. I started wearing tampons at tht age {which was a year ago} lol and no its doesnt hurt

    i meant its not TOTALLY PAINLESS it does hurt a little bit the first few times, but its not bad {at all} once u get use to it, and taking it out... it doesnt hurt, it jst feels a little weird!!

  4. It doesn't necassarily hurt, but it is uncomfortable the first few times. You'll get used to it though. If it's too uncomfortable, try getting some KY Jelly and putting it on the tip. It will be a little easier. Good luck. =]

  5. Well I am 15, and I just began using tampons a few days ago. I think That if you are only 12, you should begin using pads for your first few periods(for about 6 months), and then you can try using tampons.

    When I used my first tampon, it didn't hurt AT ALL. In fact, i don't know how, but I had no discomfort, and I like them WAY better than pads. Just make sure that If you do decide to use tampons, please change them every 4-8 hours.

    By the way, I'm a virgin as well, and if you are relaxed while using tampons, you'll be alright. Just read the directions in the box, and you'll do fine. Good luck. And if you don't get enough advice, try asking your mom. =]

  6. In my opinion, when I first started using tampons it didn't hurt, it was just kind of uncomfortable. Putting them in hurt less than taking it out. When you do take it out, I suggest going slow and pull in the same direction that you put it in. I suggest starting with  slim-fit or slender tampons because they are really slim and will be a lot easier to work with!

  7. No, it wont hurt just as long as you put it in right........ then you'll be fine

  8. well i started around your age at first it felt uncomfortable since nothing has been there so yea.. but once you get used to it and if you do insert it properly it'll feel like if you don't have anything.. i would say to start off with the smaller sized ones kk?

  9. it never hurt when i used them.

    It's actually better if you use pads when you first start. Doctors say its better to use tampons a year after you start when your period is more regular. Im not sure why but it is definitely a good idea. I used them when i first started. unless you play a sport. then i would use a tampon.

  10. Tampons shouldn't hurt if you're inserting them correctly. They take a little while to get used to, but they are well worth it if you are an active person. If you are thinking of trying tampons, I would use something like Tampax Pearl Lites because it has a plastic applicator and they are probably the smallest tampons out there. Good luck!

  11. It will at first hurt, but use the smaller ones for the first few times, and with time it won't hurt. If you're worried about it leaking, then you could always use a tampon and a pad.

    But if I were telling someone who's about to get their period advice, I'd say to start out with a pad for the first few times, that way you know what you might be dealing with in the future!

  12. im worried about that too

  13. yes, you're young and should wait until 16.

  14. No, they do not hurt. It feels a little uncomfortable for some girls on the first time they try them, but you eventually get used to them.

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