
Will testosterone treatments raise or lower sperm count?

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My husband is 31, has a low sperm count and a testosterone level of 196. Should testosterone treaments like Androgel improve his low sperm count, or decrease it? We are trying to conceive and don't want to make fertility more difficult.




  1. Testosterone is a great treatment... unless you are trying to conceive.

    Testosterone treatment will actually decrease sperm levels as it will inhibit the release of the body's pituitary hormones, LH&FSH. Your husband should see an endocrinologist who will likely prescribe drugs to increase his LH&FSH (depending on the cause of his low levels).

    Good luck...

  2. hello 2 u  and  husband,i know  how u fill;just pray over his testosterone with yr hands holding them,and then let God do,let hub; get on top,after he is done bend yr leg's up, u r on yr back with yr leg's bend,untill u r tied,try that way i'll be praying 4 u.thank u 4 keeping G OD commandment;s.

  3. Try asking his urologist about taking clomid instead. The testosterone is inceased naturally in the body and is proven to help increase testosterone, and sperm count in the guy. The other treatments cause the testicles to not produce testosterone since its coming from an outside source. This causes decreased fertility. With the clomid route the guys testicles are working in overdrive instead.

  4. He should not be using Androgel if you are trying to conceive.  If you come into contact with it . . . which you will . . . and then become pregnant it can cause birth defects.  

    If he has a diagnosed low sperm count, he should go over treatment options with his doctor.  Some men actually see an increase in count from injections and medications like clomid.

    Here are some tips to improve count - worked for my DH - he also saw an improvement when he switched to a healthier diet and lost weight:

    Here is a supplement that a friend of mine swears by:

    Good luck and baby dust!

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