
Will the 2012 London Olympics be associated with binge drinking, as football is in England?

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Will the 2012 London Olympics be associated with binge drinking, as football is in England?




  1. h**l yeah.. David Beckham is going to lead 205 kiddies in the Beijing closing ceremony -  kicking footballs. I would have thought London is more than football, but ah well...

  2. Yes. It'll be full of lager louts in white trainers and shell suits with their hoods up. A few knife incidents because some poor McD's employee handed over Diet Coke instead of Zero Coke and rations of chicken nuggets sold out.

    Honestly, I don't know how this country is going to cope in 2012.

    We'll probably have German, French and Chinese police to lend a hand.

  3. It is the land of 007 and BBC, what do you need Chinese police for which has been criticized heavily by BBC.

    Personally I am interested to see how London is going to cope with the security threat which is not only coming from outside but most dangerously inside. Seriously, four years down the track, terrorism will only go worse, good luck and don't let athletes get hurt.

  4. Yeahhh:)

  5. Are you implying that London isn't part of England?

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