
Will the 'Thought Police' be in our future?

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"National Review writer Stanley Kurtz was in Chicago on Aug. 26 for the release of the papers of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school reform project in which Ayers and Obama were involved. The papers had long been sought by Kurtz, who'd met with a stone wall erected by Obama's friends at the University of Illinois, Chicago. UIC had denied access to the supposedly public archives after Kurtz initially inquired, but his persistence paid off.

When local radio station WGN found out Kurtz was in town, he was invited to appear on its "Extension 720" radio show hosted by University of Chicago professor Milt Rosenberg that Wednesday night, Aug. 27.

Producer Zack Christenson said: "I called the Obama campaign, let them know that we were going to have Stanley Kurtz on the show, and offered them a chance to come on the show as well to rebut anything that he said." Christenson said the Obama campaign's response was, "This guy's a liar" and hung up.

Obama campaign lawyer Robert Bauer has warned station managers, suggesting their broadcast license might be at risk: "Your station is committed to operating in the public interest, an objective that cannot be satisfied by accepting for compensation material of such malicious falsity."

Bauer has also written twice to the Justice Department, demanding it "take prompt action to investigate and to prosecute" the group and Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons, who funded the ad.

What's scary is the Obama camp may soon have control of the public airwaves through a badly misnamed Fairness Doctrine resurrected by an Obama administration and a veto-proof Congress. And those threatened lawsuits may yet be filed by an Obama Justice Department

If this is 'much ado about nothing', why not just release them, review them and dismiss them. is there something they don't want make public? if not, why the Chicago stype tactis of intimidations and threat of law suits if information is made public?




  1. Remember that you have sat on your thumbs and praised your congress for letting the present President change the Constitution and congressional laws, incorporate signing and other devious means. AND now you pay the price of passing these little trinkets along to the next Presidency.  No matter who you vote for. You now pay for your past ignorance's.

  2. Well, if there are thought police, it's safe to say Republicans have nothing to worry about.

  3. news flash:  the thought police are already here.  ever heard of "hate" crimes?  worse punishment if your thoughts were hateful while committing the crime.   WTF?

  4. What is this Kurtz guy alledging anyway--that some guy named Ayers is a terrorist (what did he blow up--that's what I want to know, in this century where greenpeace are terrorists and need their phone tapped) and that Obama worked with him to build schools?  So, is building schools a crime, or is talking to someone without doing a background check a socially risky move?  

    Let me clear some things up for you.  The Fairness Doctrine doesn't give anyone control of the airwaves, it gives political oddballs airtime between 2 am and 6 am (or whenever the radio station decides no one is listening) Sunday morning.  

    Second, you are absolutely crazy if you think that republican candidates keep the press free and don't try to influence it to their own ends.  In the last decade republicans put massive pressure on any columnist who asked the hard questions about why we were in Iraq--if a writer wasn't taking the pro-war line or the standard democrat stance (I think we shouldn't have gone but we are there now), they would face campaigns to silence them.  

    I understand that Republicans simply must have their smear campaigns, and it seems unamerican to them to stop lying.  When you don't have anything to run on, tell everybody to run from the other guy.

  5. Obama scares the c**p out of me.

  6. Ask George W. Bush and Richard Cheney they seem to love North Korea, communist China and dictator of Libya Muammar al-Gaddafi.

  7. Obama, typical liberal socialist

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