
Will the ASP baton be confiscated at Canada's Customs?

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Hey everyone.

I recently ordered an ASP extendable baton over the internet on a police supplier's website. They are situated in Michigan, and I'm situated in Toronto, Ontario.

It has been 5 business days since i ordered it. I'm worried that it will be confiscated at the customs and that i will have lost my money.

Does anyone know if a baton will be confiscated at the Canada customs?




  1. Its quite possible. I ordered a filleting knife from a reputable Hunting/Camping/Fishing supply Caralogue, which shall remain unnamed, and it was confiscated somehow by customs as a weapon during shipping. I never got to even to see it, nor did I get my money back!

    *The reputable Catalogue must have know they would not be permitted to ship any knives over the border, no matter what their purpose. They even went so far as to let my hubby order an paintball gun from there a few months later......until he asked if it could be shipped here. They said no, but didn't warn him that they couldn't ship it across the border the whole time they were taking our Northern Ontario adress down, nor did they notice the "postal code" instead of a zip......

  2. I would suggest that you contact the company that you ordered from and ask them if this item will have problems crossing the border into Canada.  I would think if the company you are dealing with is legitimate, they would know that the item would be prevented from being delivered and confiscated by customs and they would not have taken your order.  

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