
Will the American people give Obama a free pass like the media does?

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It cannot be rationally denied that Obama has been given a free pass and preferential treatment by most of the media in what appears to be the ultimate case of Affirmative Action. Have the American people been so conditioned that they will do the same on election day without regard to Obama's actual qualifications and issue positions.

Change is not an issue position. What changes? Specifics?




  1. There are no free passes.  I do see a LOT of sour grapes though...

    Democrats 2008

  2. No way most Americans are stupid enough to elect someone just because he's black and the media thinks he's cool. If they were then Snoop Dog would already be Presodent, and I'll be fudrizzled if that's gonna happen either.

  3. Sad to say but the American people already have.  If a white person ever said "typical black" or attended a church dedicated to the "white community", that person would be gone already, no chance in h**l of winning.  But that hasn't happened with the racist Obama!

  4. The Republicans have a duty to their country to expose this man since the media wont.

    I hope they do, soon!

    McCain 08

  5. I don't give free passes.

    I also don't drink the kool-aid.

  6. Well most people don't vote with a knowledge of the issues. They vote on what they hear or what party they have always voted. Voters with actual knowledge about the candidate are in the minority. So change sounds good to people who don't put any effort into researching the candidates. Simple as that.

  7. Because the press is liberal and left wing I do not believe anything they put out and tend to do just the opposite.  The tail does not wag this dog; woof-woof.

  8. Will you Internet Pseudo-Intellectual Bigots ever stop finding things to complain about?

    For a bunch of people who are constantly telling black people to "get over it," you seem to expend endless amounts of energy pointing out what you think is reverse racism and trying to tie every single thing you see into some mass conspiracy against whites.

    If it were not for the media, you wouldn't have even known about Rev. Wright. They didn't sit on the story. That's preferential treatment?

  9. Bush






    2 terms even. His issues. Himself. Ran every company he

    owned into the ground.

    C- in college.

    FREE-er pass he had.

    But don't my word for. Google it.

  10. yes, cause he is a muslim.

  11. Sad to say but the American people already have. If a white person ever said "typical black" or attended a church dedicated to the "white community", that person would be gone already, no chance in h**l of winning. But that hasn't happened with the racist Obama!

    I'm back. :)

  12. That d**n liberal media. They always give the Dems a pass. Who even knows that Obama's grandfather Prescott was a n**i supporter and financier? Oh! Wait a minute. That's Bush's Grandfather, Prescott that was a n**i supporter and financier. Uhhhh, never mind.

  13. I don't get off into Politics but I do know this, ain't none of them no d**n good. They all lie, and tell us as the PPL any d**n  thing. So go figure

  14. I would hope they will not give Obama a free pass!

    I believe that Obama is not answering the real questions. I can't understand why so many are going to vote for him not really knowing what he means by "change".

    Why can't people see what's really going on? I'm in total disbelief that this man is even running for the highest position in our country!

    God Bless America!

    God Bless Our Troops!

    "The ego is a self-justifying historian, which seeks only that information that agrees with it, rewrites history when it needs to, and does not even see the evidence that threatens it."

    -Anthony G. Greenwald

  15. No, if you look at the questions being asked by the intelligent people, you will see that some will not stand idly by and let Obama pull the wool over their eyes.

    NO ONE can give any specific changes, because there are none in his promises,.

    Those who can do those who can;t just repeat what they hear, like any well trained parrot.

  16. Most people in the USA are walking idiots because of the public scrool system.  Fifty five % are on some sort of public assistance, so they will vote for more assistance.  I feel we are doomed, thanks to all of the Demonrates.

  17. There are always going to be people who don't look at the candidate for what they espouse, they just feel things.  

    Some people have no clue what the issues are, they just want some nebulous "change" and to have "hope" for the future.    

    Yes we can!    What, you ask?   Doesn't matter, as long as it is change.   I suggest a change.  We don't let people with an IQ under 70 vote.   Drastic you say?  Sure, but maybe then we could have some informed voters instead of some yahoo who just came to the game yesterday because he wants his health care paid by someone else.

  18. I surely hope not!  It is sad though that many will vote just because he is black and he has great orator skills and talks like a preacher with his hope and change that will end up heading us closer to Marxism,  Obama has already passed the views of socialism.  All he says is TAX TAX and GIVE GIVE.  Does he understand that the taxpayers are broke and his policies will still cost the middle class more.  The media needs to step aside and report the news not create it.

  19. what the liberal bloggers are already  mad because of telecom immunity

  20. Lets hope not!!!

  21. I'm afraid of the same thing as you. It seems people just decide to blindly follow Obama taking none of his political positions into regard. Its a shame that people support someone to be our next president who will be the most powerful man in the world just becuase voting for Obama is the "hip" thing to do.

  22. It is my hope that between now and nov. that people are going to start asking real questions on issues and Obama will be forced to give some specifics,instead  of the daily change speeches.Your right change is not an issue and it also does not appear to me to be what Obamas about. His voting record says something else.He seems to me to be  just another ambitious politican who changes his stand on things when it suits him.

  23. Not this American. I stopped drinking Kool Ade as a kid,

  24. No. Obama's negatives grow each day. It's only a matter of time before the whopper comes out that brings him down for good.

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