
Will the Bigfoot hoaxers face charges?

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When the two Georgia guys fail to present an actual body will they face charges and what kind?




  1. well probably better that than facing the genuine sasquatches who are getting really pissed over some puny human messing with their granny`s cadaver

  2. Probably not but they should.  Actually they presented a 'doctored-up' body that was clearly a fake since the rate-of-rot for the head and body were not uniform. Also, this is the the second Big Foot hoax for them in two years.  I don't have a clue why anyone even listened to them.


  3. they should for scamming money out of people,they get hats,tee-shirts and such made up so they can make some money on this and then come time for the autopsy truth will come out.

  4. Why would they face charges?

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