
Will the Bush Admin. pressure the F.B.I. to back off of the Palin "Trooper-gate" investigation ?

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  1. They had best not.

  2. Bush doesn't have to pressure anyone he's destroyed so much of Americas freedoms he can do what ever he wants.

  3. No why should they?

    Gov Palin was correct in what she did. and here are the facts.

    Palin's statement that she had nothing to hide, in August 2008 the Alaska Legislature hired Steve Branchflower to investigate Palin and her staff for possible abuse of power surrounding the dismissal. The investigation is being overseen by Democratic State Senator Hollis French, who says that the Palin administration has been cooperating and thus subpoenas are unnecessary.[54] The Palin administration itself was the first to release an audiotape of Bailey making inquiries about the status of the Wooten investigation  

    Gov Palin had a Democrat investigate it

    McCain Palin in 08  

  4. Of course.  But no one will care or ask about it.

  5. yeah lets see if we can waste another few millions on a witch hunt like the pelosi justice dept debaucle...IS THIS A SERIOUS QUESTION?  the answer is of course, no.

    only from the mind of a liberal...(sic)

  6. Karl Rove might, if she's nice to him.  heh-heh

  7. Doubt it.

  8. This is not a federal investigation.

    I want all the truth to come out how she was trying to get rid of an alcoholic abusive police officer from the "good ol boy" police department.

    Keep hammering on this issue so we can get the full story. It will win her women votes.

  9. No, they will hand it over to the justice department who will ask for the maximum sentence. The judge will whole heartedly agree. They will handcuff her, not let her say goodbye to her husband, and drive her over to my house for a weekend of twister and football.

  10. Maybe. I saw that kink about 10 mins ago on google and couldn't open it. Then I tried yours hoping for better luck. No. Maybe it's already started!


  11. "Trooper Gate"?  hahahahahahahahahahah.

  12. All can be forgiven in the "Boys Club".

  13. when the results are released they will probably be silenced.

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