
Will the Catholic Church trash Biden's campaign like they did Kerry's in 2004?

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Will the Catholic Church trash Biden's campaign like they did Kerry's in 2004?




  1. Can you be more specific?

    If you are speaking of infanticide supported by these candidates, I assure you that the Church will continue to speak out against those that support murder. The Church will continue to warn all Catholics that it is a mortal sin to support candidates that support murder. Faithful Catholics will not vote for either the Democrat or Republican candidates for this reason. God bless!

    In Christ

    Fr. Joseph

  2. Who cares what the Katholik church thinks.  They are not christians to began with.

  3. did the Catholic church trash Kerry's campaign?  Refresh my memory here please.  

  4. I don't think so.  Biden would come up with a snappy comeback if they try, like "Why are they so upset by my Pro-Choice stance?  Are the priests afraid they won't have enough children to rape?"  

  5. I think he already bashed his own.  During the Dem convention, he was ordered by the archbishop not to attend communion.  It had something to do with what he and Nancy Pelosi said about the Catholic Church and abortion.

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