
Will the Chicago cubs ever move their team out of Chicago?

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Wlll it ever happen.

When will the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois be All Whitesox.




  1. No way, there are way too many Cubs fans. A more likely story would be a team like the KC Royals moving somewhere else.

  2. haha no if anybody is moving out of Chicago it would be the White Sox

    The Cubs have a HUGE fanbase in Chicago (way more than the White Sox) and right now it just wouldnt do justice to move em. sorry

  3. Yep . . . .just as soon as the sun rises in the west or Wrigley gets a dome. (answers all three questions).

  4. Dude you're retarded, the Chicago Cubs have been there for years and they're not going to move out of Chicago just because some stupid Whitesox fan wants them to.  Just suck it up and move on with your ignorant life.

  5. I was born and raised White Sox fan so I can sympathize with you. I have dreamt of the day when the Cubs leave town, but alas that is probably just a dream.

    But, all joking aside. I think that the Cubs and the White Sox are so much a part of Chicago sports history that it will be really hard for either team to leave town. I am not saying that something like that won't happen. I am just saying that it is very unlikely.

    Chicago is a major market that deserves two MLB teams (well ok one real MLB team and one wanna be MLB team:-) ) just as much as New York or LA. It has the fan base to support two teams regardless of whether they win or lose. I just don't see any City or State politician be willing to let either team move unless there was really no other alternative (ie:going bankrupt vs. keeping a team).

    It is true that the Sox were talking about moving in the 80's, but alot of teams were talking about moving back then. The Sox have it better now then most Cubs fans think and their fan base is quite strong. Also, outside the Chicago area, especially internationally, the Sox more than hold their own merchandising wise vs. the Cubs.

    I can take a walk of the streets of Tokyo  and see quite a few White Sox caps and shirts or other merchandise on any given day. I don't think I've seen one Cub thing yet in 15+ years. Even with Fukudome joining the team this year, you just do see anything.

    So, what I am trying to say is that the Sox aren't doing that bad finacially that they are going to be looking for a new city anytime soon.

    But, I do think that the Cubs are going to have to decide what to do about Wrigley Field some time soon. I know the purists want them to play there for ever, but realistically the place needs a major redo. Which is going to cost alot of money.

    Given it's current location, there's not much that can be done to Wrigley (especially not like what they're doing in NY to Yankees Stadium). There is no way to build a new Wrigley across the street from the old one like they did with Celluar Field and Old Comiskey.

    So, if new owners of the Cubs feel that repairing Wrigley is going to be too expensive then their only option will be to relocate. They won't leave the Chicagoland area but they might move to the suburbs where they can get all the parking and sky boxes and other stuff that they might want.

    Cubs fans might not want to believe it, but I think there is a greater chance of the Cubs relocating than the Sox simply because of time is running out on Wrigley Field. It think that's going to be a big issue for whomever buys the team. How long will Wrigley Field continue to hold up?


    Fozzy, I think it really works both ways. I have met quite a few nasty and mean spirited Cubs fans in my day who are quite vocal in their dislike of the White Sox. It's easy to get caught up in the whole thing when you're suopporting your team.

  6. You just asked this question.  The answer is NEVER.  The Cubs were here long before the White Sox.  This is a Cubs town and always will be, get over it.  Why Chicago would ever kick out the only basbeall team that produces any revenue in the city would be retarded?  If any baseball team were going to be saying bye bye to Chicago it would be the White Sox.  h**l they've already almost been kicked out twice.  Once in the 80's and the second time in the late 90's when they tried to make the White Sox the Devil Rays.  Get over it already it's a Cubs town and it always will be.

    As for your question on when will this be a White Sox town?  The answer here again is NEVER.  The White Sox can win 10 consecutive World Series and this town would still be a Cubs town.

  7. i seriously doubt it

  8. The White Sox are more likely to move to Indiana or fold completely than the Cubs ever considering leaving Chicago. Too many powerful people live in Chicago and they will do everything possible to keep the Cubs in Chicago and play in Wrigley Field.

  9. Heck no. Chicago without the Cubs couldn't happen.

  10. Let's see - you've asked this question twice, and in another question, asked why the White Sox don't get ant media attention, and have also asked why nobody cared when the White Sox won the World Series. And then Sox fans wonder where they get the reputation of being a bunch of whiners. "OH, don't let them move our team - please build them a new stadium." Then "Oh, you built a stadium we don't really like - we don't want to go there until they win." Then "Oh, we won a World Series, but we don't want to go because the Cubs fans at Wrigley seem to outnumber us." Or "OH, why bother to go to a game when the Cubs get all the attention?".

    First of all - why should you really care about the Cubs. Do you really think that all 3 miilion or so people who will attend games at Wrigley this year, and the millions of Cubs fans all over th country will suddenly become White Sox fans overnight? Do you think that busloads will come from Iowa, Indiana, Central Illinois and points even more distant to go to a fairly nondescript ballpark with absolutely no attractions (restaurants, clubs, etc.) around it?

    And you must not be looking at or listening to the media here in Chicago very closely. Just as an example, the Sun Times today had news about both teams i just about equal amounts. The only difference in the amount of coverage was a column about Mark Cuban's bid to purchase the Cubs, but it was somewhat balanced by an article about Goose Gossage's induction into the Hall of Fame in which they focused on his years with the White Sox. (And didn't talk one bit about the fact he played for the Cubs as well - sounds biased to me, but I won't complain about it like a Sox fan would) And maybe you should pay a little more attention to the local TV as well. Generally whichever team is at home gets more coverage, regardless of which team it is.

    And you obviously were either to young to remember 2005 very well, or were in a coma or a drunken or drug induced stupor then. Otherwise, you would have seen the fact that 3 or 4 of the local stations covered the White Sox victory celebration LIVE, included a couple of outlets (WGN and CLTV) that are owned by the Tribune Company, who also happen to own the Cubs. Sounds horribly biased - someone preempting programming to air someone who is (at least to the uneducated fans like you) your rival celebrating a World series win.

    Perhaps if the Sox fans would actually spend as much time supporting their team as they do bad mouthing the Cubs and their fans, they could maybe sell a game out every now and then. And perhaps if your experience of living in Chicago is made so horrible by the presence of the Cubs, you should move to another city that perhaps only has one team. I hear Kansas City and Pittsburgh are a h**l of a lot of fun.

    The Sox are the number 2 team in a 2 team city. Get over it, and just accept your team for what they are, rather then worrying about what the other team is doing. Maybe take a cue from the Mets and Ange;ls fans - both of those teams are probably sort of the poor stepchildren in their cities, but I've never once seen any of their fans moaning and complaining about it. Instead, they choose to support their team, rather then worry about a team that really doesn't matter one bit to them.

    Put more succinctly - Suck it up and get over it.

    Edit - for GD - Actually, a good number of us Cubs fans do realize the Sox have a good strong fan base. But we don't complain about it like the Sox fans do about the fact that the Cubs are popular.

  11. the chicago cubs have a huge fanbase- bigger than the whitesox. more people show up to cubs games than they do to white sox games. and the cubs don't change everything or tear down their field, changing the name to something weird like U.S. cellular park. it sounds to me like the chicago cubs make more money and spend less money and cause less why in the world would they move somewhere else?

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