
Will the Chinese be as kind to black people and other minorities when they become the next superpower???

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As a Chinese guy myself, I seriously doubt it. Your thoughts????




  1. What may i ask do you mean by superpower? but if you mean what i think you mean you'd better get that ignorant racist garbage outta your head before some one knocks it in... not trying to threaten just trying to give you a heads up... you'd just might wanna watch where you let your racism come out.

  2. I think the Chinese will treat blacks the same way as they are now....not so good.

  3. I'm of Chinese descent myself and I don't think they will treat minorities well... I really hope they do respect and treat others well or they will repeat what the Europeans did. I'd hate to be blame for racism just for being of Chinese descent. I hope Asians don't fell to the level of Whites.  

  4. The average Chinese person, they'll probably still be trying to deal with their day to day lives to give a c**p about being part of a superpower nation.

    The Chinese leaders...

    Probably not?

    The leaders will be like that one guy who leads North Korea

    Friggin superiority complex.

  5. No

  6. Don't some of them already have a superiority complex?  I don't have the occasion to deal with many Chinese people, except if I go to a restaurant for an egg roll.  Those people are very nice however.  I guess they got sick of the bs over there and decided to live here, lol.

  7. No.

  8. You mean they are already being kind to blacks?

  9. Yeah they will will probably go as low as the white people.

    You would hope they wouldn't follow the same footsteps. Clearly white people are running out of juice what makes them think they won't as well.

    People never learn that evil never comes out on top no matter how hard they try.

  10. I doubt it.  The Chinese have long believed themselves to be superior to all other races.

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