
Will the Christians be surprised...?

by  |  earlier

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...when its not Jeebus...but Eris who comes back, and she starts lobbing about golden apples and bonking them on the head?




  1. Cute imagination... I think they'll come back together as team of apple bonking...

  2. In the meantime, I got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    Praise God!

  3. I like apples even when they're mentioned in stupid question, mmmmmmm golden delicious apples are my favorites

  4. Not only them, but I would be surprised too.

  5. First answerer doesn't know who Eris is.

    He will rue the day.

    Praise my golden goddess Eris!


  6. LOL.

  7. I have to admit, if that were to happen I would be surprised.

  8. Woohoo! what a fun question. I can see the stunned looks on their faces now. <VBG>

  9. No. Jesus will come back and every knee will bow

  10. Definitely.   But, then I imagine some atheists might be surprised as well.

  11. Yes. And the Atheists, of course, will point and say, "See, this is why we don't have gods. They're CRAZY."

  12. Say what?!

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