
Will the Citizen give up his rights and this Severn nation for global world order?

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Ron Paul would ask why?




  1. Short answer, no

    Longer more involved answer, h**l no.

  2. Actually, very much so!!! When Bill Clinton was our President it took great pressure from some groups to stop him from signing a U.N. decree that wanted to tell parents how they are to raise their children! These guidelines were directed against any kind of Christian or Bible believing faiths! We see this in the Liberal agenda when the Liberals want to blame things or others for what they have caused! We no longer teach or are allowed to teach any kind of moral guidelines for fear our local school will be sued! The Liberals want to suggest that one is into religion if they suggest that we should not MURDER another! Obviously, then it must be guns that are to blame; though they have been with us for hundreds of years! About 85% of the Worlds people have moral guidelines that are much as the 10 Commandments! They may be Muslim or Christian or could be Buddist! The only one faith system that I see as not supporting any moral guidelines is Communism and Atheism! We should note that the Liberal Supreme Court suggests we do not need any morals in our schools! So we may note that there are few schools that have a Civics class, although one may suggest the local community is our family and not the husband; wife; and the chidlren! We are entering the times of the end and we see this as some look for the end by some attack from space by asteroids! We blame man for polution when nature, IN OUR TIME, is the major cause! We have an increase in earthquakes, many fold and this will increase while Liberals deny this increase! But it was predicted over 2000 years ago, as well as many more active vulcanoes which will also increase! We can plant trees and lie about logging the ones that are grown, yet these loggers are to plant 3 for every one they cut! One can surely call these activists two names: one is radical and the other is liars! Sorry Al Gore, but you should of told us the real reasons for increases in greenhouse gases! A note on what the U.N. did; they also were not truthful in this! As far as our commitment to keep our way of life; that has been changing daily by the election of more Liberals! There will be more school shootings and more cries from the Liberals in trying to blame others instead of our Liberal Courts! So, joining the World Governement may be better than electing another Democrat as President and getting more Liberal judges! After all, do not the facts point to those that elect Liberals as wanting more school shootings and more left leaning moral guiidelines, while denying they are trying to impliment their beliefs on us? No one can claim they do not believe in something! That is a belief system and all of us try to impose it on others. The problem is, where is their book of truths they are supporting? They are many, are they not? Earl

  3. This may have something to do with why so many can`t comprehend what Ron Paul is telling them.


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  4. You mean "sovereign" nation? No. Spare us the World Domination conspiracy plots...

  5. You pose a false choice.  U.S. citizens would not necessarily have to give up rights or sovereignty in order to participate in global initiatives.  Some problems, poverty and over reproduction in Africa for example, require global cooperation to resolve.  The only "rights" that might be lost would be those of giant, multinational corporations to exploit poor countries and populations for profit and resources.  You may not have noticed, but Bush's PATRIOT Act has already taken many rights of U.S. citizens, most notably those formerly protected under the Constitution's 4th Amendment.  Suggested reading:  Common Wealth, by Jeffery Sachs.

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