
Will the Cowboys ever win a superbowl in the Tony Romo era?

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Will the Cowboys ever win a superbowl in the Tony Romo era?




  1. Possibly, but it would be because of the talent he has around him.

  2. I hope so. Im a Packer fan and hated the Cowboys my whole life until last year. Not sure what changed, but I really like Romo. and TO has really turned out to be great. I used to hate him too. I hope the cowboys do win one under Romo, but I dont think it will be this year. As the Raiders have proven time and again, you can't buy a Super Bowl.

  3. ha. haha. hahahahaha! i agree with "the real #12". and they would have to win a playoff game first. hahahahaha. people on here are so funny. it kills me.

  4. if he's benched

  5. There's a possibility. A lot of it has to do with the coaching. The Arizona Cardinals have lots of talent, but they've had problems with their coaching. They also have very poor ownership. I don't know if the Cowboys will ever win another Super Bowl as long as they have Jerry Jones as their owner.

  6. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  7. I believe they will. But if they don't, it doesn't mean Tony Romo can't play the game. It doesnt take a superbowl to prove you can play the game or that you're good. If that were the case, Dan Marino wouldn't be in the HOF. There are plenty of QB's that were some of the best in the game without a ring, and plenty of QB's that were awful and have a ring.  A TEAM wins as a TEAM and loses as a TEAM.

  8. With Tony Chokemo? Possible but unlikely.

    I think this will be THE year for the Cowboys. They either win it this season or it won't happen anytime soon. After this season, I have a feeling that TO is finally going to age and they'll have to find a new no. 1 receiver for Romo.  

  9. maybe but if I had to bet on it from what i've seen in recent years, that im not too sure about

  10. The Dallas Cowboys 2009 Super Bowl Champs

  11. probably unless they don't win next year and T.O. retires then maybe not but without favre and strahan in the nfc next year the cowboys are probably the best team in the nfc

  12. No. Not a chance. No way. Romo is an over-rated Quarterback, mediocre at best and he is surrounded by a team load of thugs and prima donnas, this whole ungodly mess is coached by a second rate high school coach. Sorry Dallas Cowgirl fans, not gonna happen. The glory days are far behind the 'Girls and they ain't coming back. Mostly because God hates Dallas.

  13. No, never.

  14. The first question is will they ever win a PLAYOFF game in the romo era... How many years now since the last playoff win? Wasn't Aikman at the helm?

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