
Will the Democrats and "Global Warming Worshipers" Bring this to the US?

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  1. Do not just blame the Dems, John McCain is pushing for Carbon Taxes. Of course the result will probably mean the party that enacts them will be thrown out of office for years to come. Of course by then, our economy will be in the tanks, and fuel prices will be even higher. This will be coupled with higher energy costs, which will make every thing more expensive

    One example, biofuels. Our government, liberals, and enviironmentalist have been pushing biofuels. So Bush provided billions in subsidies and put levels which must be achieved. You may think this is good, but it is not. #1. Biofuels cost more than gas, thus they are one of the contributing factors in the high gas prices. #2. Growing food for energy has reduced the supply of food staples like corn and rice. This has caused food prices to soar (ask anyone who shops about food prices). #3. Indigionous people in places like the rain forest are cashing in on the biofuel money grab. This means they are slashing down the forests in order to plant crops for biofuel. Ultimately, this means more CO2 will og into the air.

    This was supposed to be a first step in reducing CO2. It was meant to be simple and painless. Instead, it has sparked riots and will cause the death of the poor because they are unable to afford food. Just imagine if we allow the same government which thought this was a good idea (and continues to support the idea) to start regulating our energy supply. Can you say blackouts, extreme inflation, higher energy and gas prices? And for what? So environmentalist can feel good about themselves. Are we really stupid enough to think this is a good idea when the science behind the theory is fatally flawed. There has yet to be any scientific validity to the AGW theory, and yet we have spent over $50 billion trying to prove it. Imagine how much fresh water and food we could provide to the poor nations with that much money.

  2. Voting forThe Green Party would be better .  If you like.

  3. They may try but I think it will not happen.

  4. Evironmentalism in general bears a striking resemblance to a religion so it is an appropriate reference IMO.  

    Environmentalism is, as Lawson writes, an unlimited "license to intrude." "Eco-fundamentalism," which is "the quasi-religion of green alarmism," promises "global salvationism." Onward, green soldiers, into preventive war on behalf of some bears who are simultaneously flourishing and "threatened."

    Examples like the one you cited simply provide more evidence for this.  I think this sort of thing needs to combated and fought like the plague.

  5. hi one tiny fact to throw at everyone WE CANT STOP GLOBE WARMING! sorry to sry  to say but some scientists were messing in the earth and they caused it oh and there some chemical or something in Alaska thats been there 4 ever and it has been rising and rising and is helping globe warming. just thought everyone should know th

  6. the liberals may try...but i hope they fail!

  7. I suspect they will try, yes.

  8. This is the view of one extremist who speaks only for himself.

    I am myself for strong climate action but acknowledges that this measure is not for sure the right one. It is shocking and mediatic but does not solve the problem as much as energy efficiency.

  9. Recently Al Gore blamed the catastrophic Myanmar cyclone on global warming. But the Indian Ocean temperatures were near normal. It's a product of the fact that these poor people live in a poor country in a low delta, and one of the storms finally took off to the northeast.

    The senior meteorologist at says Philadelphia could be the next potential hurricane disaster along the U.S. East Coast, but again alleged manmade global warming would have nothing to do with it.

    Now why would that be?

    Because we have people damming up lakes in the Delaware River basin for water. These lakes would normally, in a dry spell or wet spell, be lower than what they are. If a hurricane would track northwest along the East Coast and hit Wallops Island with a 15-foot storm surge, and that surge met with flooding from dams further up north reaching their capacity the Philadelphia area could see major flooding.

    If that happens, is that global warming?

    No! It's because finally a storm took that path AND we built dams there.

  10. I am an AGW skeptic, but I think this idea would be better than what we are likely to get.

              Carbon tax's aimed at industry will merely hide the expense from voters - companies will be forced to build expensive "alternative" and "sustainable" infrastructure. Then they will recover the cost, over a period of years. Everyone will pay extra, for everything - AND it will be too late to undo the damage -resources will be spent already, and I assure you, your local power company  (for example)WILL pass the cost along, in a concealed form.


       Energy is a major input expense for industry -

    Expensive energy here will tend to move production elsewhere. Is this a good time to reduce our competitiveness?


        Cap and trade systems - worse yet. Add a million bureaucrats, to decide who gets to sell carbon credits, and who has to buy. Do you suppose they will be idealogical about their decisions, or fanatical?

          At least this "carbon ration  card" would allow individual choice. If you consume less energy , you will save Tax money = good motivation.  The expense of administrating this plan should be way less than the alternatives.

  11. Finland imposed a carbon tax in 1990, their GDP is growing at 4.4% and their inflation rate is 2.7%.

    Sweden imposed a carbon tax in 1991, their GDP is growing at 3.4%, and their inflation rate is 1.4%.

    The US has no carbon tax, yet their GDP is only growing at 2.2% and their inflation rate is 4.0%.

    So where do the economy fear-mungers get their idea that any kind of carbon tax will ruin the economy?

    Hopefully, the Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who are listening to the scientific consensus, will move to take some kind of action to deal with this problem. It will probably be sometime in late January 2009.

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