
Will the Democrats criticize a young girl that made a mistake and a mother that loves her to get votes?

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I feel that the Palin family are facing something that we all have faced whether it is directly or indirectly. It just shows that Mrs. Palin lives in the same world that we live in and can relate to. That she stands by her daughter and gives her love and support is just an example of how we all should be. Anyone that criticizes this girl,her mother or that family is not a friend to anyone or living in reality and is nothing more than a hater and supports murdering an innocent unborn child . I believe God has sent Mrs. Palin to us. I can relate to this family better than anyone we have ever had in a Presidential race. We can watch this family and learn what decency and family values really are.




  1. You mean like the Republicans have relentlessly made of vicious lies about Obama and his family.  Do you think God is happy that you people use Him in order to destroy a country.

  2. I completely agree....Sarah Palin is the closest thing to a normal person you will ever see on a presidential ticket..and believe me sir...the demoncrats don't live in a world governed by reality nor do they surrender to  GOD...

    "We can watch this family and learn what decency and family values really are."    I quoted you here because I couldn't have said it better myself....however decency is not a word in the demoncrats vocabulary...nor is family values .....or intelligence.........

    Go McCain / Palin   08!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. We should be able to learn from you non-judgemental Republicans.

  4. Only reasonable, thinking people will understand and agree with what you wrote.  

    Do not look for any Dems to respond kindly.  The ONLY people they seem to overlook indiscretions in are those of their own party.  They will go to great lengths to excuse adulteries, murders, thefts, and lies in their fellow Democrats.  

    But God forbid a Republican VP nominee's daughter gets pregnant out-of-wedlock, then they scream that the sky is falling!

    Amazing, isn't it?!

  5. Amen friend...

  6. Well I feel I can better relate to Barak Obama than any other candidate in history. He didn't come from a rich family he knows our struggles!

  7. The facts are that she is inexperienced, unqualified, has poor judgment, and has apparently abused her office.  Don't let the rest of the issues cloud the tea.  Her personal life just means that what she preaches doesn't work in the real world, no big deal.

  8. Nope.

    Will phony conservatives throw "personal responsibility" even farther away than President Gush has?

    Seems so by this question.

  9. I certainly hope not.  I agree with Obama that this subject should be off limits.  I can't help but wonder about this hypothetical though: Suppose Barack Obama had a 17 year old daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock and decided she wanted an abortion.  Do you think that subject would be off limits to the evangelicals, fundamentalists and other pro lifers that are such a powerful part of the Republican party?

  10. You believe that God sent Mrs. Palin to us?  LOL.....Republicans....jeesh

  11. The Dem's shouldn't criticize this but it makes me wonder if Obama had a pregnant 17 yr old would the Repubs "play nice" about it. I think not.  

  12. Give me a break If Palin was a democrat, "you people" would be al over her and her daughter like white on rice. You wold be telling us all how immoral Democrats are.  

  13. They want the baby dead! Thats why they are abortionists. Every women that gets an abortion is justifying their postion. They hate when someone chooses life.  

  14. I just love her family values! First, put your career before a 4 month old special needs child. Then step into the national spotlight with an anti-abortion, anti-birth control, pro-abstinence only education stance with a pregnant unwed teen. Wow...what a mom.

  15. That's like asking "Will Hurricane Gustav hit the United States"? It's already happened.

  16. "I believe God has sent Mrs. Palin to us."

    I was on your side until you said this.

  17. You're full of it honey. Seriously! All the presidents live in the same world and heck even the same continent that we do, and we can  relate to that can't we. Aside from their pocket books everything is pretty much the same.....=).

  18. I don't know about the god send part.....

    But you are correct she is real this is what we need.

  19. I don't think anyone is criticizing the girl, but the mother who stands against birth control. I believe you Evangelicals are forcing your beliefs un the rest of us.  

  20. You can't be surprised, that's just want the dem/libs do, keep people down, step on em, especially women.

  21. I found it ironic and hypocritical that i was was violated several times yesterday for reminding the "posters" that Obama's mother also was an unmarried 17 year year old, with an "older" man.

    that was no more Obama's fault

    than Palin's daughter mistake was McCain's fault

    But, they didn't want to hear that???

    the children should be off limits, as Obama has said

  22. It's not the "dems" - its the nasty ones, which the repubs certainly have their share.

    just noticed you said "God sent Mrs. Palin to us"?

    What? Is she "the one" and the "messiah" now? You know, all of those silly things nasty repubs say about Obama.

    Of course not, she's just a politician like Obama, Biden and McCain.

  23. Yes, they did it again. Look at the nonsense the sheeple at the Daily Kooks (Kos) printed and then retracted. The great thing is, the polls on Sarah Palin seem to be going UP because of the hate mongering spewing from many Liberals mouths.  

  24. We aren't criticizing the girl. She did the best she could with the knowledge that her mother and father supplied her with. Now she's pregnant... If anything, this makes her a victim!

    Perhaps you could ASK yourself why it is that the US vs European Teen pregnancy rate is so VASTLY different. Then you do some research and figure out why our teens get pregnant at much higher rate. I'll even start you off with a link or two!

  25. I think it's wonderful that she's supporting her daughter and more than likely her daughter will NOT be having an abortion.  What a wonderful example for the rest of the Whiny Americans who promote killing babies!

  26. The Democrats will criticize a nominee that chooses an unproven woman as a running mate just to get votes.

    What is going on with Bristol Palin should be outside the media, but it won't be because of the nature of the media.

    What scares me about Palin is her unethical behavior regarding the firing of an employee, her involvement in the Alaskan Independence Party, and her push to spend spend spend on earmarks for bridges to nowhere.

    Palin scares me, I sincerely hope she never becomes president.

  27. Quoting you - "We can watch this family and learn what decency and family values really are" - I thought you were talking about the Obama family.

    The Palin's also seem like a very nice family.  

    I am wondering why the parents would agree to participate as a candidate in a national election knowing their daughter's pregnancy would be discussed by everyone in the media and elsewhere.  I  just hope her daughter can handle all the scrutiny, unfair as it is.

  28. I agree with you. She just seems more real that many politicians. Some far left idiots will attack her and her family, but the ones that matter, like Obama and Biden, will leave her alone because if they dont they will lose the election. Palin is an amazing woman and has an amazing family. Her daughter made a mistake and now she is going to do the right thing, which is not aborting it.

    McCain/Palin '08!!

  29. Yes

    I hope they continue

    They are pissing off woman from coast to coast by doing so

    Obama already has a problem with women voters and this is just making it worse

  30. yeah...they would have killed theirs

  31. Sing it brother.

    It would be wickedly hypocritical to condemn this woman for having a daughter that did something stupid, when the Dem agenda has been to support those stupid people.

    Better that she should kill the baby? NO.

    Mr. Obama would like to legalize government subsidized abortions at any stage in pregnancy for underage girls without parental permission or notification.....better to make the best of a bad choice and love the baby that had no say in this than destroy it.

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