
Will the Democrats ever be ashamed of trying so hard to bring down Our Country:?

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They promote a nothing candidate-

Their unions have destroyed our manufacturing industry, we used to

have a big electronics industry, NYC had 9 daily newspapers,

no foreign cars, except the Volkswagen,

Now the unions want to destroy what's left of auto manufacturing

and Boeing Airplane is next.




  1. Oh please,  the decline of American car companies like GM resulted from a lot of things not least of which was the emergence of superior Japanese car companies.  To blame it all on Democrats is absurd!

  2. Where are all those jobs going and at who's behest?

    Unions cannot destroy anything, its all negotiated during contract talks......They don't get anything more than they are given during these talks....  

    Unions don't affect the sales of autos either, that would be product design.  Those guys aren't unionized either.

    We still have a big eletronics industry.  Newspapers?  What?

    You obviously aren't very well versed in what you're posting about, care to explain the "how's and why's" behind your claims?

  3. You things haven't brought it down enough? The death of America is five to ten years away thanks solely to Bush and the creatures such as yourself who voted for him. If we were to finish the job, it would be a mercy killing.

  4. You know why NYC had more newspapers than it does now?  Capitalism.  The financially strong ones survived, the weak ones died


    Same goes for foreign cars.  there was a market for them (especially after the gas crisis in the late 70's), people in this country have made money bringing them into the country.  Again, Capitalism.   There was demand, so someone supplied it.  

    How is this the democrats fault?

  5. Sorry but:

    - U.S. cars are $h-T and manufacturers are themselves responsible. Here in Germany we joke about how if you want to see how prehistory looks like, you open a US designed appliance.

    - The manufacturing was transferred to countries with lower wages and nothing could have been done about except protectionism... I am sure you are the first to enjoy cheap products made in China.

    - The electronic industry? well it is not unique to the US. It is common to all developed countries. Factories even move in China to "lower wage provinces" and try to escape the richer coastline.

  6. Yes, you long for the good old days of inequality, lynch mobs, robber barons, and debtor prisons.

    Oh, how life would be better with no more liberals.

  7. They are ashamed to be Americans, so why would they feel ashamed about trying to bring it down?

  8. Actually, you Republicans are responsible for what is happening in this country right now.  We haven't invested in the PEOPLE of this country in way too long and it's showing in the drop of our levels of education and our ability to compete.  The unions don't have as much to do with it as you would have others believe.  Oh, and the Republicans are the ones who say that deregulation would help our economy.  That didn't turn out to be true, now did it?  

  9. Of course not, they're proud of their efforts.

  10. Republicans are responsible for the mess of the economy...the war's based on lies...increased national debt, ...the deficit...

    don't try to play like it's the Democrats fault... we all know who has been in charge for the past decade.

    you blame unions ?...ridiculous.

    it's those crappy free trade agreements that make it cheaper to manufacture everywhere in the world except the US.  h**l even the American automakers use foreign components.

    Republicans mismanaged the economy, and for years they've said the economy is strong when the facts didn't' support that assessment.

    You seem to have very short term memory was only 5 months ago that Bush finally admitted the economy is in trouble.  Your entire party has been in a perpetual state of denial and inaction for a decade !

    That's what happens when you fleece the consumers in this country...that's what happens when you take from the middle class and give it to the rich !


  11. Amazes me how one person can be so wrong.

  12. Dems don't have to do anything but allow the Republicans more time in the White House to do that since Bush has us well on our way!  DUH!

  13. Labor unions put this country togeather and the Republicans have always been against a descent weeks pay, mainly because they are rich and are controled by big business.  If you think we are in debt now, think what can happen with another spend President like GB.  The country was in good shape 8 years ago.  And if taxs go up, you have no one to blam but the adminstration of the past 8 years.

  14. No.  Having no morals means having no shame.

    Besides . . . in case you hadn't noticed.  When a liberal policy has time to reap the harvest it planted, they always blame conservatives for the thorns and weeds that grow.

    Liberalism (aka communism, Marxism, progressivism, etc.) has already established a proven track record around the world.  Every single stinking time a country turns to Marxism, the economy heads directly south, society sours, culture sinks and poverty is shared by all except those in charge.

  15. How can you blame them for the pseudo-conservative shenanigans of the clown occupying the Whitehouse.  

  16. They will bring down this country through their policies of socialism and marxism, that is a fact.

  17. It's already down.  Thanks alot from everyone.

  18. If and when that might happen, I'm sure they would feel bad.  Since it is b.s., go back to listening to Hannity and Limbaugh and finish your daily dose of kool aid.

  19. Republicans drained America of its resources to fund Bushes buddies. Republicans gave Americans it's largest national debt ever. Republicans took away American freedoms.

    You're blaming the wrong party fella.

  20. They're too wrapped up with their left hand to know what they're right hand is doing.  

  21. They don't have to try.  Our country is in a recession, gas is $4 a gallon and we are in a losing war.

    Has nothing to do with the democrats.

    If we keep the same people  in office right now it will get even worse.

    We need an end to Bush's policies.

  22. The dems certainly are trying to destroy everything America was built on.  The worst part about it is that a majority of Americans are conservative.  Unfortunately, the liberal minority makes the most noise.  Unfortunately the media is so over the top liberal it appears that a majority of the country does hate America.

    The dems won't care.  Ask Pelosi why we're not drilling for oil!  A vast majority of the people want to.  They won't listen.  The Dems rely on people suffering in order to get elected.  They need people to feel victimized. Won't happen this year though. People are starting to figure Obama and the Dems out.  

  23. Heh, not even worth responding to this one.  Enjoy spouting diatribe without anything to back it up.

  24. They should be.

    After all, if they really wanted to bring down the country, they would just bail on the Democratic Party and become Republicans (who are obviously more effective at bringing the country down).

  25. the very premise of the democrat party is based on a miserable, failing America.  our unemployment of 5% is envied by the world, and rivaled by none.  Our European counterparts would LOVe to have our employment numbers, and yet Dems want us to turn into Europe.  Dems want us so reliant on the government, and the only way we'll be reliant is if we fail on our own.  So their very happiness and existence is achieved by the failure of Americans.  

    If they bring down the people of this great country, then they can stand up and proclaim "Mission Accomplished!"      

  26. er... how did the unions destroy the manufacturing industry...

    here's a little clue... I live in S.C.... unions have ZERO power under state law here... so little power in fact, they don't even bother to form most of the time...

    AND COMPANY AFTER COMPANY HAS LEFT... to go to Mexico and China...


    I'll tell you why, since you clearly haven't got a clue...

    you can't compete with paying someone 25 cents an hour in America... even with no unions... our standard of living is just too high...

    but hey... let's blame unions some more... right? while by the time you ban unions... all the companies are gone... and still won't come back...

    and then you'll just sit there and wonder "why didn't banning unions work?"

  27. After what the PNAC has done to this country, the Democrats could be the only hope we have to reach out to.

  28. And 8 years of neocon rule had nothing to do with it...

    Tax incentives to outsource and off-shore much for Republicans and their "personal responsibility c**p".

    Bush and his neocon buddies have done nothing but make it easy for corporations to cut the American worker out of the equasion.

    They had six years of absolute rule without a Democrat in site.

    That is when the damage was done.

    If you want to point the "anti-American" finger, point it at yourself for voting for him.

    Geeze...Republicans can be such rubes.

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