
Will the EU become a sovereign entity in its own right? And when?

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...and what the h**l can we do about this if it is forced upon us undemocratically? (UK question)




  1. not likely, the EU is more of a quasi federation or a confederation than a sovereignty in an of itself. its more of a strategic alliance for financial and security benefits, and the geographic and demographic difference would be way too difficult to navigate as a sovereign state. besides, the states themselves have too much autonomy to ever allow that to happen.

  2. Some say that one day, the Roman Empire will rise again, and it will have a new Caesar. Is that through the EU? Who can say.

  3. I dont think so. The core nations find it difficult to agree. Britain in particular it has kept its own currency and in terms of foriegn policy is closer to boston than berlin.  I think with the level of skepticism in Britain and its level of commitment to america economically and politically mean that any decisive move would cause Britain to leave the EU. This would be a major blow the EU and would set back if not disolve it. Similarly smaller nations like Ireland and those of eastern Europe have fought for thier sovereignty and are unlikely to accept a United States of Europe especially if it is created by an unnaccountable bureacracy.  In reality the correlation of forces in Europe prepare for the role as a political bloc which can defend it relative wealth in the globe. However it will be limited to collective action when it suits the nations of the EU in unison but not all the time.

  4. No, it will not become sovereign.

  5. That will never happen. You should lay off the Daily Mail, mate, France and Germany aren't planning that. No European nation wants that.

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