
Will the Esks be the worst team this year?

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I think so




  1. No, the Cats.

  2. maybe,  but to throw a wild one out there,  maybe this year will be the collapse of montreal,  winnipeg, hamilton and toronto look pretty good

  3. I think that an improved O-line is a very hopeful sign for the Esks this year.  The emergence of a running game would help, and the O-line should help that, with the Brothers Comisky plowing the way.  It remains to be seen if Macioca can call offensive plays with better success, but I would say that the outlook is possibly "greener" than last year.  Here's hoping anyway.

  4. The team will be good, it is just too bad they don't have a real coach.  4 games into the season, I expect Danny M to have the proverbial can tied to his rear.

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