
Will the European Union end in a brutal and bloody 'civil' war between the member states?

by Guest44628  |  earlier

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Once the people realise they have been duped and conned into this union, will they take to the streets and rise in scenes reminiscent of the end of communism in 1989-1991.




  1. Why would it erupt into a Civil War when Europe is working more closely together than at any point of its history?

    There will always be differing viewpoints and tensions, but Civil War is a little extreme I think.

    At the worst, why wouldn't the country just secede from the Union if there was widespread public disapproval?

    What reasons do you have for despising the EU?

  2. Germany is gonna kick all their as$es again like it did the last 2 times LOL

  3. No, I don't think so. The countries in the EU have historically been at war with each other for centuries, but they are now peaceful. I think the nations in the EU will remain peaceful, but the EU will grow increasingly weak and feeble, and be left vulnerable for outside influences to affect it negatively.

  4. Hardly. The EU is a monetary system. Any state wishing to go it alone will have to have border control and a money system in place to even begin.

  5. I should hope not. War is bad.

  6. Where are you from and why so unhappy with EU?

    EU is OK in uniting the European countries in some way --the TIME, the Border crossing, the Euro Dollar.

    Talking of Brutal & Bloody, it is BB and that is seen very where in the world.  DO A STUDY & COMPARE.

  7. yes definately, check history ,you cant keep diffrent culture togather they are bound to seprate to show their identity

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