
Will the Europeans be the first to introduce Soilent Green as a food source?

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  1. I doubt it - I bet that the majority of countries won't get involved with that. Because they are run by human beings. Take a nap. You've been up too long................

  2. Eew...yuck!  Think I'm going the vegetarian route.

  3. No, it's usually the pharmaceutical companies of America who combine with the AMA, and Madison Ave, to introduce slop to unsuspecting fools. Very big business and the concerns are not with the nutritional value, just how to market the stuff to pull in the greenbacks, example: Ensure has the same nutritional value as Log Cabin Syrup.

    Monsanto is THE Frankenfood Giant with its neurotoxin, NutriSweet. (Ask MJ Fox how long he's been swigging diet drinks.)

    Europe stopped importing our "food" a decade ago.

  4. Yes, I agree with the #2 poster...the N. Koreans have already perfected the process.  They blend it with tree bark and branches to give it that texture.

  5. No. The north koreans are already eating soilent green.

  6. The elite Communist Chinese are already eating human fetus parts as a delicacy. This is not a joke. It is depraved.

  7. There is a huge difference between doctor-assisted suicide and cannibalism.  Suicide has always been present in all cultures, and, while us Westerners look on it in horror, in many cultures it is considered acceptable in certain circumstances.  In fact, a poll done in the US in 2005 ( shows that a majority of Americans agree with Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law.

    Cannibalism is rare.  Like, really rare, particularly when it's simply for food, rather than religious or ritual reasons.  It happens, but usually only when people are really starving.  The Donner party, a few exploring expeditions that went really wrong, the guys in Alive.  There are rumors and disputed reports relating to famines and wars, but there's not always clear evidence.  For worldwide, government-supported cannibalism, we'd have to have an environmental collapse of incredible magnitude.  We would need food so scarce that even Europeans and North Americans are starving.  It could happen, sure.  It's not likely to happen soon, though, even with global warming, and especially not just because some areas allow a terminally ill patient a way to end the pain.

  8. Soylent Green is already available from the Soylent Corporation in the United States, and sponsoring NPR radio programs.

    Just listen to the public service announcement.

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