
Will the Fiscally Responsible Republicans ever admit responsibility for a possible Black President?

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For 8 years the fiscally responsible republicans could have stood up and attacked George Bush, but instead they did nothing.

Now we have a black man with a lead in the polls over the republican.

If the fiscally responsible had ever stood up for their beliefs in the last 8 years Would we be where we are now?




  1. probably not.

  2. hacker do I sense a tinge of racism in this question of yours?

  3. And what black candidate would that be?  Not Obama, he's behind.

    Lynda Panda:  Do you not remember 9-11-01?  Just how would you have handled it?

  4. When George Bush ran for President, he was just finishing a 4 year term as Governor of Texas where he left a large budget surplus.  Both Democrat and Republican politicians loved him as did the people of Texas.  He was endorsed by both the Democratic and Republican nominees for Governor in his campaign for the Presidency.  He promised to get our nose out of the business of other countries and concentrate on the prosperity and quality of life for the American people.  He especially wanted to improve our lives by better educating us.

    Well, we all know what happened though many pretend denial.  Some say that he is this stupid.  Those of us in Texas know he is very intelligent.  So why did he consistently do the wrongest thing at the wrongest times in clear violation of the goals he set forth in his first run for the White House.  I can only guess.  The Bush family is well know by the world's most blessed citizens.  I think at some point in time, he became disgusted enough at the unsophistication of the great unwashed in America, that he ceased to give a dam about what the polls said and desired only to please his powerful friends overseas and across the Rio Grande.  

    We are much poorer now because our resources are going to foreign nations.  We are borrowing 3 billion dollars a week to police an oil rich independent nation.  George has played sugar daddy at our expense all over Africa.  Our country has unknown millions of illegal foreign workers who sent much of their money back home.  We have troops all over the globe as well as contractors that we pay way over retail to improve the economy of other countries.

  5. I would hope that the race of the Presidential candidates would be unrelated to which party did what.

    The people who need to wake up are the racists who care whether Obama is black.

    Some day, an African-American will run for President as a Republican; I hope that isn't seen as a bad thing by the Republicans.

    One Edit: If the Republicans had stuck their core values (Bush promised no nation building!), they might not be facing a probably loss in November.

  6. In a sense, I suppose you could see it as a pendulum which has swung as far to the right as possible, and is now swinging to its far left. I think the reps would have considerably more favor now if things hadn't become so corrupt in this most recent republican administration.

  7. OK what does skin color have to do with it again?

    EDIT -- personally I think the more RINO's we elect into office, the more liberal the Republican party becomes.  At some point we have to bite the bullet and say "no more".  That's why I would have suspended my vote in a Hillary vs. McCain election.  Barack is just too much a Marxist, however.

  8. WE can only hope...

    Alan Keyes is the only "black" candidate running.

  9. Um...fiscally RESPONSIBLE Republicans?

    Since when is wracking up $10 trillion dollars worth of debt considered even that?

  10. Bush= Voted in twice

    Obama= never voted in

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