
Will the Government eventually bring out a Breathing Tax?

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They are taxing everything else why not tax us on taking the oxygen from the air.




  1. Yes they are bringing out the tariff   in the next Budget... he is trying to make it fair : if you go out a lot and how many hours do you stay out...if you are at home and cannot get out of bed, he wants to know how many times you open your window.. he is one sassy bod.

  2. Yes, it's only a matter of time

  3. Although taxes have gone up, they are still lower than what they were under the previous Government. This lot are doing a pretty good job keeping you lot in a comfortable society. Maybe you should do a little research and be thankful instead of being mindless muppets and criticising, just to be one of the crowd.

    No I'm not joking. Go do some research. Maybe you weren't around when the Tories hit us with 15% rates and the Poll Tax, and cut back virtually ever public service to fund dragging us into the nuclear arms race.

  4. Ha ha - more than likely

  5. Certainly.  In the 2007 Finance Act a small clause was inserted under the heading of CO2 emissions (Humanoid) Provisions.  This points out, clearly that anyone not having a Motor Vehicle will have to pay 1p per 1000 breaths.  Provision has been made under The Customs and Excise Management Act giving retrospective powers to gossips to inform on cheats - who will then be restricted to breathing in on Monday and Friday, breathing out on Thursday and Sunday the rest of the week being optional - but charged at £1 per 100 breaths.  Self declaration forms are obtainable on-line at

  6. I think they already have - cos I sure as h.ell don't have any more money to give 'em.

  7. and if they do, should athsmatics get a discount?

  8. don't give them ideas

  9. they do already effectively, green taxes for cleaner air, that's surely qualifies

    who said we are better off than before, you have to be joking.

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