
Will the International Bowl be well attended?

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Will the International Bowl be well attended?




  1. Having been to a few bowl games, I can tell you that the fans of the schools playing in the game will travel great distances to see their team.  In fact, large blocks of the tickets (the good ones too) are held from the general public and once the teams are announced, they are sold through the respective schools.

    NCAA games are quite a different experience than CFL games.  The schools' marching bands put on quite a show.

  2. I'm sure it will be close to sold out. There is a big audience for American College Football in Canada, especially in the CFL/CIS off-season

  3. I don't see why.  If they can't sell out CFL games, I'm not sure how they expect to sell tickets for a game between two very average American colleges.

    Best bet they have to sell out is if 25,000 from each school make the trek up here...and I suppose that's possible.

  4. No...

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