
Will the Internet ever rival Rupert Murdoch's propaganda machine?

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For years we the public have been drip fed propaganda by elements of the media - none more so than Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.

While most newspaper readers and TV news watchers are subconsciously brainwashed by the mainstream media, for the first time in history ordinary people can use the Internet to voice their opinions to millions of other people.

Particularly here in Britain, people are finally seeing through the balls**t published by Murdoch's newspapers. They now have access to alternative news made by ordinary people in the interests of ordinary people, not corporations. A lot of the videos on youtube, google video, etc are often construed as conspiracy theories. Nevertheless, its the mainstream media that tells us they are conspiracie theories. Personally, I believe they are very concerned the public now has a voice as powerful as theirs.

So, will the Internet ever rival Murdoch's propaganda machine?




  1. That's  a  very  good  question.  Murdock's  had  it  his  way  for  too  long.  I  don't  read  the  right  wing  press,  watch  or  pay  for  TV  and  am  soon  too  abandon  the  radio.  I  suppose  he'll  try  and  advertise  on  the  net,  with not  much  sucess.  I  think  he's  losing  money  'big  time'.

  2. You are misinformed, Murdoch owns various persuasion news outlets. They are both Left  and Right. The BBC is way Left and here in the US he owns  a newspaper "The Sun" which is conservative.

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